Zendesk & Instagram Integration Needed
已于 2020年4月28日 发布
Can the Zendesk developers please create an integration with Instagram for both direct posts and DMs? The apps on the store are not quality or unproven or do not cover both.
I tried the Instagram Channel App by Helphouse.io for $39 per month 12 months ago for 3-4 months. It worked 20% of the time and only on IG posts but not DMs. The follow up from the the company is only by email for issues and not timely. I suggest Zendesk test out these apps which are poorly/mixed review rated and require the developer to make improvements and provide test results that the App is reliable and proven. For my company, it was a waste of our time (money), created frustrated customers when the app did not work as we did not always catch it right away. Overall: the app does not work and the client support was not quality or timely.
I pray Zendesk will offer this as a feature directly (covering IG posts and DMs) because IG is more popular for many brands and consumers and is growing due to ecommerce capabilities (1 billion Monthly Active Users in 2020). I know ZD clients have been asking for this type of app for a few years. Please add it to your roadmap.
13 条评论
Stephanie Langlois
Just dropping a quick note to say that Instagram Direct is now available. Please see this article for more information about requirements, eligibility and steps to set it up.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Jean -
Thanks for your feedback. I've passed the information about Helphouse along to our team that manages partnerships.
As far as an integration goes, Instagram doesn't have an official open API, which is one of the reasons we haven't developed an official app of our own. Instagram also does not currently officially support direct messaging.
We will keep your post open so that other users can up vote the idea and share their own use-cases, as it would be helpful to know how important this request is and to how many users. However, until Instagram opens an API we can use for this purpose, we may not be able to pursue development.
Jean Galli
Thanks for the prompt reply. No one has ever shared there was not an API for Instagram- that makes sense (sadly) why the integration can not be created. Please do! Also it helps us to know which developer has a reliable IG App. Either no no reviews exist or few/mixed currently. Thanks again! :)
Really? I had no idea ZD didn’t have a native IG channel. That’s interesting. Will look into their APIs!
Jean Galli
Please do! We need something that works for both IG posts and DMs. Happy to pay for something that works!
Hans Andersen
Hi Jean
Please see our instagram channel https://www.zendesk.com/apps/support/instagram-channel/?
If you have any issues or feature requests please reach out to our support at support@helphouse.io
There is nothing that we have wanted to do more than integrating DM's, but unfortunately Instagram/Facebook do not allow external developer to integrate with Instagram DM, which is why there is not integration for this. I have heard rumors about Zendesk being in dialog with Facebook about an integration between Zendesk message (Smooch) and Instagram DM's, but for the time being this is blocked by Facebook.
I hope that answers your request, even though I am not able to give you all the features you are looking for :)
+1 !!
I don't get why it doesn't exist, specially since it's own by facebook and facebook is integrated.
I can't believe in 2020 there is no solution for that...
If helphouse can do it, zendesk should be able too!
Please make that happen !!!
Hans Andersen
Hi Frédéric
As I pointed out earlier you can only point you frustration towards Facebook. The lack of Instagram DM's in Zendesk has nothing to do with Zendesk or the Instagram Channel, but has to do with Facebook don't want us to do DM integration with Zendesk.
Once it is technically possible to do Instagram DM integration it is only a matter of time before it is integrated with Zendesk.
We would also love to see IG post and DMs integration with ZD! Would make life for our team so much better containing post/DMs to one channel! Thank you!
+1 we have facebook, twitter it should be possible to have instagram too!!!
Please do something!!
Anton M.
There is beta for Zendesk DM in Sunshine conversations. You may look into this. Or you can try our Instagramer for DMs as a working workaround https://www.zendesk.com/apps/support/instagramer/
Dave Dyson
See the Zendesk Messaging section of our Current and upcoming Zendesk betas page for information on the Instagram Direct Early Access Program.