

Alert Admin when all agents are away/inactive


已于 2020年12月16日 发布

Is there a way to alert an admin if all Chat agents are away/inactive? This is a feature to flag us and make sure that someone is available to serve chats.



12 条评论

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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

I like this feature request. I'd tweak my own use case and ask that if this is put in place, allow us to notify whoever we want (person, group, role, etc) since not all Zendesk accounts want the admins to get all the notifications.


Yes, would also love to have this added as a feature, with specific agents/admins receiving the notifications rather than defaulting to the general zendesk admin. Please consider adding this zendesk! thank you


Also a vote from me on this one. Would be very useful to get notified when all agents are away/offline.


+1 for notification for when agents are away/ offline in talk or chat.  This would really help business instead of having to navigate through settings and checking the dashboards periodically.  Thanks for the consideration.


We have many groups/departments in our org. I think the new EAP for "configuring agent status" with the "Omni-channel routing" can help with this. Say a new chat comes in or if a chat is transferred to a group/dept and there is no agent online for that group/dept. We can have a trigger that sends an email to that group letting them know there is a new chat. Then a second trigger that 5 minutes after that, checks to see if an agent has grabbed it. If, no agent has grabbed it, re-assign that chat to another group that helps as a receptionist/queue monitor. 



Hi all,

This would definitely be a useful feature for us to better monitor agent activity and allow us to pull agents back into an Online status when needed.


We use chat bots through Ultimate and having an alert come through when the group they sit in goes offline would be ideal.


Would also like this for talk, when no agents are online to receive a call. 


This would be perfect!


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Sarah Darmawan

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Dave, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.


Your request to support alerts and notifications on agent activity been added to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community. 


In the meantime, live agent status and activities can be monitored on Explore live reporting so you can keep track of the number of agents who are online and their present capacities to receive tickets across channels. You can also change agent statuses today directly from the same view today to deploy more agents as you need them.


Hope this helps.


- Sarah D.


This feature would be very helpful, as team manager don’t always have the opportunity to monitor agent status in Explore.


+1 This has been an issue for YEARS - I don't want my managers having to continuously go check (such an unproductive use of time) would love to just get an alert either email or via Slack if there are no agents online. 



