Light agents unable to @ other agents
已于 2020年6月30日 发布
Light agents can do internal replies but they are unable to @ another agent. Why would you take away that simple function? If they have access to internal replies, they should have the ability to notify someone of their internal comment.
You are able to add a follower without adding them as a cc. Could Zendesk make a product enhancement that limits light agents from adding a cc but does allow them to add a follower, then they could use the @ function. You can't do this right now because Zendesk privileges are incredibly limited.
38 条评论
Toby Sterrett
Thanks all for your feedback, we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us on this. I've noted this for the internal team to take a deeper look at. It's possible this may be something that was affected during the migration to ccs/followers and/or during the recent work on roles and permissions. I will reach back out on this thread as soon as I am able to provide more details. In the meantime, Shawna will continue to monitor this thread for feedback so please continue to upvote and provide us with your use cases in the comments.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Cat -
Light Agents cannot @ mention other agents because doing so adds the other agent as a cc, and Light Agents can't cc others. cc's are only available in public comments, and Light Agents can only make internal notes.
Catherine Bostwick
That makes sense. But one further question.. you are able to add a follower without adding them as a cc. Could Zendesk make a product enhancement that limits light agents from adding a cc but does allow them to add a follower, then they could use the @ function. You can't do this right now because Zendesk privileges are incredibly limited... really I wish you would revaluate how your permissions are built entirely.
This is still a product enhancement request.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for the detailed feedback, Cat.
If other users would like to see the functionality altered in this way, please up-vote Cat's original post and add your comments.
Idan Battat
This will be a great feature
Light agents should be able to tag other light agents when a particular internal triage is handed over from one dev team to another dev team. Currently light agents have to pester the agents to add another light agent as CC to the ticket - it introduces unnecessary friction and a waste of time.
Tracy Leighton
Light agents should have a way of communicating with other agents via an @ or another method so that their presence is interactive.
That is how ZD light agents were presented to me in the sales cycle and is not what is available.
Natalia Maglioni
Light agents should have a way of communicating with other agents via an @ or another method so that their presence is interactive.
That is how ZD light agents were presented to me in the sales cycle and is not what is available.
Shanita Thompson
I was also told Light Agents could @ Agents. We went live today and we are unable to do that.
Tracy Leighton
IQT (hopefully this is Nicole Saunders) Please bring this to your management!
Zendesk! This is three CLIENTS that were told something in the sales cycle that affects the number of licenses we buy versus what we will actually need.
Please educate your sales team not to continue to do this.
Dave Dyson
I apologize for the miscommunication you all received from our sales team members -- I'm going to reach out to each of your account managers and find out how they got the wrong info so that we can ensure everyone's on the same page around Light Agent permissions.
The limitation of Light Agents being unable to @mention Agents is documented here (but I realize that's not the core issue at this point, but just in case there are other limitations that you were also misinformed about): Understanding and setting light agent permissions
Thank you all for bringing this to our attention. I know my apology alone won't mean much, but I will do what I can to see that this doesn't happen again.
Idan Battat
Hi Dave,
This is something I raised way back when we purchased Zendesk in July 2020.
As you can see this thread has messages since then.
Unfortunately, the sales manager that talked to us is not working at Zendesk anymore.
I believe you should have a house check in order to make sure you as a support tool give the best support and sales processes.
Shanita Thompson
Thank you, Dave. I am with Idan, our person is no longer working at Zendesk. I didn't realize during implementation either because we didn't need to use it until we went live yesterday. Thank you for your help!
Luke Hutchings
I also agree with Catherine Bostwick. @ mentioning someone as a light agent to at least add them as a follower seems to be an expected functionality. It would be helpful for our team for sure.
Mo Shujaat
This functionality absolutely doesnt make sense. A light agent should be able to @ other agents otherwise they have limited functionality and utility.
Moran R. Gilboa
"@mentioning" is a critical piece for collaboration; mentioning someone in the ticket or from the outside (user) is essential to get attention; since we're focused on having this collaboration over the ticket and inside of Zendesk, this is a lost opportunity to bring people in, and they may revert to other channels instead where mentioning/directing is possible (email, external chat, etc.).
000000 Danjoint
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but when I (an Admin) @ someone in an internal note, it adds the other agent as a follower on the ticket and it DOES NOT add them as a cc: on the email. Am I misunderstanding @...' original explanation in July 2020?
Tiffany Timmermann
Bring back internal comment @'ing by lite agents!
Nina Godfrey
This is highly limiting and impacting.
Light Agents need the ability to prompt a full agent to take action, but if they can't tag (@name) agents in Internal Notes no one will receive the action prompt to pick up the ticket.
Please note that ZenDesk is contradicting itself by saying "Light Agents can't do this because they would add the agent as CC, which is outside of their abilities". This whole thread is referring to Internal Notes! Internal Notes do not cause CCs.
The setting "adding the tagged agent as CC" can further be turned off in the Admin Center.
Please advise asap on when Internal Notes tagging for Light Agents will be reestablished.
Alex Parsons
We would really like the ability for light agents to @ other agents and light agents.
Sheridan Tapsall
It's been 3 years since this thread was opened and countless customers agreeing that this is expected, core functionality. Collaboration between agents, both public and internal (light), is fundamental.
As Nina Berti mentions, Internal Notes do not cause CCs - this is fully optional in the settings. Therefore the reasoning makes no sense. Please fix this.
Oleksandr Grygorenko
I would agree with Nina Berti and Sheridan Tapsall.
For us, it is very critical and it looks like a bug.
Could you please update us on the status with more details?
Tom Weinstock
It's been more than 3 years since this issue was raised. Where's the urgency?! This is an absolute need! Not a "nice to have" - it is a need! It seems like something that would be pretty simple to fix.
Steven Aranaga
Please - 3 years for such a simple request! @ mentions by agents adds the person as a follower, not a CC, so it should not be limited!
Moran R. Gilboa
If there was a "Disable following on mention" option, I would hit it in 0.00005 ms, if someone needs to be added as a follower, they can be added as a follower, mentions should be independent of that function.
Kimberly Mantuano
Adding to this thread that Light Agents really need to be able to @mention agents. When that Light Agent receives notification of when they were @ mentioned by another agent, it's expected that the Light Agent would then respond with a mention to the next accountable agent.
@zendesk, can you provide a response to confirm that this is on the roadmap anytime soon?
Shawna James
Kimberly Mantuano
Shawna James This is great news! I've reviewed the documentation, but can't identify where to update mention ability. Can you provide instructions on how to add mention ability for a particular user or a role? We have the appropriate plan according to the documentation.
Shawna James
Please know that this feature request is in our system to be reviewed by our product teams and should they change plans we will let you know. Thank you again.
Larry Nagazina
This feature would be highly beneficial for Light agents to be able to @mention other Agents, including Light agents. It would provide benefits for all of your clients, beyond just Enterprise. Please consider adding this to the roadmap, as it has been an open customer request for the past four years.