

Viewing tickets based on the email address it was sent to?


已于 2016年7月08日 发布

Our team would like to only see tickets sent to a specific email address for our quality assurance wofklow - ability to review tickets sent to a specific department in our zendesk account.

We have multiple groups that corresponds to the specific email address but currently, we do not have tags on all the tickets that are sent to the email because multiple people will pick up the ticket for handling.

I tried looking into the "Views" customization, but could not get it to bring up any tickets, results were always 0. The advanced search brings up tickets but they are not in chronological order and the filters weren't helpful for this scenario. 

Does anyone have a similar situation they were able to solve or provide insight?



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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Vculver!

You should be able to set this up using the Ticket: Received at > <support address> condition:

Views only show tickets that have been closed fewer than 120 days. Once they get to that point they're archived and won't show up in your views anymore. That could explain why you're not seeing any results.

Can you post a screen shot of your view conditions? We should be able to get it figured out. :)


Is there any other way to achieve this?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Pedro -

Can you tell us more about what you're trying to accomplish and why the views solution doesn't work for you? Perhaps we can offer another suggestion if we understand more about your use case.


Can i know how to get this done using API?


DO i use the tickets.json end point? 


I would like to see all tickets that come in daily to a particular email address like xyz@patriotmobilehelp.zendesk.com


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Hey @...

You could GET all the tickets for a given time period using the Search API and then have an app you retrieve and filter the tickets by the `recipient` attribute. This attribute is the email the ticket was received at.



