

Trigger to create a new ticket


已于 2016年3月05日 发布

Our support team & our accounts team use the same Zendesk instance.

I am wanting to work out a way that allows me to solve a support ticket then have an accounts ticket created for billing.

I realise I can have a trigger that could detect a "For Billing" value and reassign the group but it could be anywhere from days to weeks before the accounts team is actually ready to bill and we don't want that to affect the metrics and reporting and have high ticket counts until they get around to billing.

What I would like is to have a trigger that when a Support ticket is 'Closed' a new ticket created in the Accounts group that has the link to the support ticket (and potentially some other field) so the accounts team can refer back to the original ticket. That way the Support ticket can be closed and the metrics for it be accurate and the Accounts team have their ticket to deal with at their own pace not affecting Support.


Has anyone done this or have any ideas how I can achieve this? I have searched this forum several time with no luck and have been tinkering in the sandbox environment without any luck either.





14 条评论

Hi David,

I imagine it would be possible through the API, if you have development resources.

Alternatively, have you considered using a trigger that sends an email, that then creates a support ticket? I'm not 100% sure it would work, because Zendesk might catch it as spam, or have some other filters in place. Worth a try.


Phil @ Nexmo



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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey David!

We have a couple of apps in the Apps Marketplace that might help you with this. Neither of them automate the process, but they do allow you to create "linked" or "child/parent" tickets that would accomplish what you're looking to do.

Either of these apps would allow your agents to create a linked ticket and assign it to your Accounts team, giving them access to the information they might need in the original ticket, while still allowing that ticket to be Solved and prevent skewing your metrics. 

You can create a macro that your agents can use to quickly fill out the needed fields in the new ticket, so the fact that it's a manual process shouldn't be too cumbersome.

Hope that helps!



Any chance there has been an update on this?  I tried to use notifications and triggers to generate a new ticket, but it always gets snagged in Suspended because zendesk sees the requester as it's own email.


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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Cory!

No, this functionality hasn't changed. You might be able to set something up to create a ticket automatically using our API, but there's nothing built into the product that will do this for you.



Strongly related question:

We want to have a trigger create a linked ticket, but that would have the same selected fields as the initial ticket.

From what I quickly read in regards to the "Project App" and "Linked ticket", doesn't exactly seem like what we need.

Any other suggestions by any chance?

Thank you! :)


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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Lea! Welcome to the Community!

It's not possible to create tickets of any type with a Trigger, I'm afraid. Is that the only feature you're missing from those two apps, or is there something else you want to do?


Are we any closer to having a solution for this.  My example is related to onboarding new staff.  WHen a new recruit is appointed I want a process in place that will raise tickets to purchasing to get a new PC and phone, to HR to set up their PAYE, Pension etc, to IT to set up a network account and telephone extension and to business apps to set up their credentials on the apps they will be using.  Likewise when someone leaves we need a similar auditable process with actions to different departments to complete.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Chris -

We have not added any new trigger conditions around creating new tickets, however I have marked your comment as product feedback and submitted it to the product team for consideration. They will follow up with you if they have any further questions.


This would be a great feature request.   If we could create a trigger that would automatically create a ticket for a separate support address when I get a ticket with a specific criteria.  I dont want to add a child ticket for another group to my ticket. It would be nice for them to have their own ticket.  Seems like an easy feature request to allow us to set a trigger to email a support address which would then open a ticket for them. 


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Angela,

This functionality doesn't exist currently but we greatly appreciate your feedback here :) It looks like the following app fits the needs of most users looking for this functionality so I did want to pass it along in case you found it useful: Split n Close

Let me know if you have any other questions!


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Kevin Ford

Community Moderator

Now that Split 'n' Close is a paid app and I didn't feel like paying $1800 a year for the functionality, I cobbled something together that replicates the functionality that we need. It could be expanded to more closely replicate split 'n' close but I'll leave that to you. Be warned, this isn't trivial and you're going outside the realm of what Zendesk considers best practice.

You're going to create a ticket via the API and trigger this by notifying an external target. So, to start, create an external HTTP target. For the URL, use https://YOURDOMAIN.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets.json but replace YOURDOMAIN with your actual domain. Method is POST. Content type is JSON. Enable basic authentication and put in valid credentials.

Now, you need to build your user interface. I used ticket fields with conditions.

Drop all of those on your form(s). I set a condition to hide all of the fields when Split Ticket? is unchecked. I also require Subject and Description. Note that if you don't have conditional fields, requiring those fields might be problematic. If you leave them as optional you MUST fill out the description otherwise ticket creation will fail.

Next, create your trigger. These are the conditions I set:

And these are the actions:

Note you want the target to be your ticket creation target. The JSON/Liquid is kind of complex, so here is what I wrote. Note: you MUST change the ticket field ID number (the SubjectIdNum in {{ticket.ticket_field_SubjectIdNum}} to match the ID numbers of your unique fields. Sorry, it's horrible to read.

"ticket": {
{% comment %} Set subject to Subject ticket field on parent. Change long number to match actual subject field number. {% endcomment %}
"subject": "{{ticket.ticket_field_SubjectIdNum}}",
{% comment %} Set requester to match parent requester. {% endcomment %}
"requester_id": "{{ticket.requester.id}}",
{% comment %} Set assignee to match parent assignee. {% endcomment %}
"assignee_id": "{{ticket.assignee.id}}",
{% comment %} If copy CCs is checked, add them to the child ticket. Change long number to match actual copy CCs field number. {% endcomment %}
{% if ticket.ticket_field_CopyCcsIdNum contains 1 %}
{% comment %} The for loop iterates over all of the CCs and adds them. The if inhibits a trailing comma. {% endcomment %}
"collaborator_ids": [{% for cc in ticket.ccs %}{{cc.id}}{% if forloop.last %}{% break %}{% else %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}],
{% endif %}
{% comment %} If copy followers is checked, add them to the child ticket. Change long number to match actual copy followers field number. {% endcomment %}
{% if ticket.ticket_field_CopyFollowersIdNum contains 1 %}
{% comment %} The for loop iterates over all of the followers and adds them. The if inhibits a trailing comma. {% endcomment %}
"additional_collaborators": [{% for cc in ticket.followers %}{{cc.id}}{% if forloop.last %}{% break %}{% else %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}],
{% endif %}
"comment": {
{% comment %} Set first comment to Description ticket field on parent and add a link to parent ticket. Change long number to match actual field number. {% endcomment %}
"body": "{{ticket.ticket_field_DescriptionIdNum}}\n\nThis request originated in ticket #{{ticket.id}}.",
{% comment %} If public is checked, the comment on the child will be public. Change long number to match actual public field number. {% endcomment %}
"public": {% if ticket.ticket_field_PublicIdNum contains 1 %} true {% else %} false {% endif %},
"author_id": "{{ticket.assignee.id}}"

Anyway, that's working for us now. Let me know if you have questions.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for taking the time to share this with everyone Kevin! This is a great alternative workflow that I think other users will find super helpful.

Would you be willing to submit this as a user tip under our User Tips and Best Practices topic? This would provide more visibility to other users and we'd love to send you some swag for your help :)

Thanks again!


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Kevin Ford

Community Moderator

Hi Brett,

I posted this in User Tips and Best Practices even though it isn't a best practice!



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Awesome. Thanks Kevin!



