How do I remove sections/categories from the help center?
已于 2014年5月06日 发布
How can I remove a section or category from the help center?
已于 2014年5月06日 发布
How can I remove a section or category from the help center?
22 条评论
Deleting categories and sections
Warning: Deleting a category or section permanently deletes all child elements of the parent. In other words, if you delete a section, all the articles in the section are permanently deleted too. Draft articles are also deleted. Move the articles you want to save to other sections before deleting a section or category.
To delete a category or section
In the Curious Wind theme, navigate using the breadcrumbs in an article.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, I'll give this a try.
Hmm.. the UX for support page is hard to use :( @Wes Drury, how to access a category after creating?
@Remitano - It all depends on the theme that your using. What theme are you using as the categories should be accessible on your Home Page. The below article should help you out.
Alicia Balance
I can't seem to find where the option is to edit and existing category. I currently only have the option to add one.
Jennifer Rowe
Hi Alicia,
Looks like you're on the home page. You need to click into a category or section, then you'll see the option "Edit category" or "Edit section" in the top menu bar (assuming you are an HC manager).
Alicia Balance
Thank you!
Jennifer Rowe
I should mention that all administrators have Help Center manager privileges.
But I think you sorted it out. Glad to hear it!
David Holeman
No such option to edit appears. I am the admin. I want to eventually remove my sample category and section.
Jessie Schutz
Hey David!
Right now you're on your main Help Center page. You need to be on the Category page in order to see the option in your menu bar.
You're using the Curious Wind theme which is laid out differently than our other themes, because it's built for simple, FAQ-based knowledge bases. This means you'll need to access your Category pages through the breadcrumbs at the top of your articles.
Just click into one of the article in the Category you want to edit, and then click on the Category name in the breadcrumbs to get directly into it.
@David - You can now easily access your categories and sections through the "Arrange Articles" from the top navigator bar. This is located under "Articles"
From here you can click on the Category or hit the dropdown to get to a section and you will be able to easily edit them.
Nate Legakis
I can't find the place to delete a section. I want to delete this video section. Please let me know how I can do it.
Hello @Nate Legakis,
Just scroll down. "Delete section" button will appearing.
Customer Support Team
(Experts in Zendesk Themes, Zendesk Help Center, Plugins, Help Center Branding and Customization.)
Nate Legakis
Thank you.
Nuri Yilmaz
I think that you changed your admin panel UI.
I am admin, but I saw only Manage Articles and there is no another something.
How can I see my categories, sections?
Jessie Schutz
Hi Nuri! Welcome to the Community!
You can see your Sections and Categories by clicking the third icon down in the tool bar on the left side of your screen. This is the Arrange Content page. Hope that helps!
Igor Toma
I am trying to delete a category, but the only thing I can do is to change its order by drag and drop. Mouse press on the category name does not do anything
Jennifer Rowe
Hi Igor,
From Arrange Articles, you can click the name of a category to edit it (or delete it). In your screenshot, for example, click Getting Started and it will open the Getting Started category page in edit mode.
Hope that helps!
Igor Toma
Hi Jennifer,
It works well today, thanks!
I was doing the same yesterday in the incognito browsing mode with cache disabled and it wasn't working.
Maybe because I made the Knowledge Base live? This is the only change I've made since.
Jennifer Rowe
Well I'm glad to hear it works now, whatever the issue was!
Louise Stolborg Vuorela
I have deleted some categories in our helpsite, but anyone using bookmarked url for reaching that specific categori is told that the link doesn't work anymore. Is there some way to redirect to just the helpcenter? I've looked around a lot, and the only thing i can find is redicrects from deleted articles. But how do i redirect from a deletetd categori?
Benjamin Koehler
Hi Louise,
Unfortunately, redirecting for categories doesn't work in the same way as articles. The best route for that would be write some custom Javascript that says if the try to hit the old url, then go to the new one instead.