Add "Back" step in "Flow Builder"
已于 2021年11月26日 发布
Feature Request Summary:
I would like to add a "Go back" step to "Flow Builder".
Description/Use Cases:
Currently the "Flow Builder" does not allow to "go back to the beginning" until the end of the flow.
If a customer is in the middle of a "messaging" guide and the information is not what they want, they want to go back to the beginning of the flow immediately.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
If customers can't find the information they want in messaging, they will feel stressed and leave.
Or it leads to a never-ending volume of inquiry tickets.
86 条评论
Daniel Aron
Hi all, I'm pleased to announce the release of the Zendesk bots answer linking feature. In addition to simplifying bot building, it can also be used to help your customers "start over" as many have requested in this community thread. Please give it a try and let us know how you go!
Lisa Tam
Hi Masako,
Thanks for the feedback suggestion. We have some updates coming next year (H1) to help end users locate the answers to their problems quicker by typing in a new question and the bot will locate the right topic so the user will no longer be stuck in the middle of the flow.
Hi, Lisa Tam
How is this different from the current "messaging" behavior?
If you write a question in the middle of the flow, the "Answer Bot" suggests an article from the Help Center that might be applicable.
Lisa Tam
Hey Masako,
The behaviour you're describing there is article recommendation where the bot falls back to if it does not understand the end-users free text question. What we are looking to improve is the bots ability to jump to another answer when the user types in another question and there is a match found. There will be some updates to the admin experience where questions/answer parings can be created to enable this.
Jason Walker
Much needed as well as inserting a hyperlink.
Lisa Tam
Echoing Masako's point, is there a way to add the "Back" button in the flow builder?
Currently, we have a long branch in the flow builder and realized that, if we accidentally select an option, there's no way we could go 1 step back rather start all over again.
Jason Walker-C
After a deeper investigation and user feedback testing this is a bigger issue than first investigation. Many users give up or are caught in a loop. Users have expressed a huge need for a simple back button. Start over sends them way to far back.
Jason Walker-C
Lisa Tam Any update on this?
Lisa Tam
Hi Vemmal & Jason,
It's currently not possible to add a "Back" button in Flow Builder. However, we do have some exciting updates coming in June to help end-users find their answers quicker.
The bot building experience will be updated where you can create bot answers as a separate flow and train the bot to recognise specific phrases which the bot will direct the end-user to that particular answer flow. This way the end-user won't be stuck in the loop, they can simply ask their question and the bot will find the best match answer flow to direct the user to, taking them to their answer quickly. We hope this update will help improve the end-user experience, helping them find their answers faster.
Hi, Lisa & Team
The features we added this time were not what we wanted.
Very disappointing.
Why can't you understand that it is enough if there is ( only one) step for users to return to the first option when they realize they made a mistake in the middle of a question?
Furthermore, it is as if Zendesk is saying, "If you have enough answers, it will work fine" when it is impossible to predict how many questions a user will ask.
It's getting harder and harder to use!
Daniel V
Hi Lisa Tam!
We see that they are making a great effort to make the zendesk bot much more updated to these times.
Unfortunately, Zendesk has fallen behind at least two years in this matter and today not having the possibility to go back or restart the flow (always from the point of view of an end user) is something that all bots, even the most humble they have.
They should reconcile within their improvement priorities plan to add this point within the top five, since from the point of view of user experience it is easier and better to have a back/start option than to constantly write questions to find the option adequate... not to mention arming all those intentions.
Please consider this point.
Sincerely, Team Witbor.
Much needed improvement
Sam Swanson
Crucial, I am ready to pay for Zendesk, but I can not even test my bot as it seems stuck in old conversation. It needs a "restart" at least or is not fit for purpose.
Adam Whibley
Hello Lisa Tam,
I wondered when a "back" or "restart" button could be added to the flow builder. I noticed when one types in "start over" it will prompt you to do so, so could we simply have a button that would perform this function as well so it is clear to the end user?
Thank you
Jason Walker-C
Sam Swanson You can try to type "Start Over" (without quotes). This should send you all the way back to the beginning.
Sam Swanson
Jason Walker-C - cheers, but how will end user know this ?
Jason Walker-C
I agree. The bot needs a backstep button. If we had that, I would then need to decide where in the step to put it. I guess towards the end of each flow. In the meantime, I have learned to train the bot to direct users to answers based on keywords they have used and have gotten stuck. We found the common ones are (Hello, talk, speak, help, human, staff, agent, etc...). We have added these as keywords to move the users back up towards the beginning.
See Training a Bot here -
Bot training, but English speaking countries have no problem with proficiency. I have heard from support that the bots are not very accurate, especially in Asia, and that there has not been much progress in tuning on the Zendesk side.
These were around the beginning of this year.
It seems unfair to say that the quality of service varies from one language zone to another.
Adam Whibley
Thank you @Jason Walker-C,
The word prompts are helpful and make for a great workaround. Maybe you notice this with your bot too, but when I use phrases like "Start Over" it goes "I didn't quite catch that" first before actually resetting. While it isn't a huge deal, it's a weird experience for the end-user (as they at first think they typed something incorrectly).
I'm just wondering why, if there's a "start over" button already available, it can't also be a step in the flow builder - it'd be great to add at the end of any branch that doesn't result in an agent transfer.
Lisa Tam
Hi all, thank you for sharing your feedback on the "Restart" and "Back" buttons. We will take this into consideration as we continue to iterate on the experience. A couple of questions I have to ensure I understand the use-case better,
Hello with Lisa&Team!
Restart Button.
If this button means "from the beginning", I would like to have full control over its placement.
Back button.
If this button means "go back one step," then we want to be able to use the "back" button at each step of the answer flow.
Daniel V
Hello lisa.
It's good that you are interested in this much-needed functionality for the Zendesk bot to stand up to its competitors.
Look at the attached screenshot (colored in yellow), you will see the first button "Back to previous menu", it literally goes back one step in the flow, showing the previous options.
The second button "Back to main menu" restarts the entire flow and returns the end user to the beginning of the conversation, as if it were the first time they entered the bot.
In a way it is as if they press the "New Conversation" button of their current trading and support bot.
Gena Will
I prefer adding a step: go back to the previous step.
What if there are 100 steps in a workflow, a customer is already in step 99, but accidently selects the wrong option in step 99, they have to start over, that's quite frustrated, so 'Go back to previous step' is neccesary!
There's clearly a need for this "Go back" flow which is a very basic thing in every other common bot.
Not sure why Zendesk doesn't consider this and taking a super long time to deploy.
It's a shame the premium we are paying for it and we have to request the basic functionality.
Thiago Fernandes
There must be an option for customers to return to the main menu in the bot flows otherwise it is a pointless exercise as it can create more frustration than actually help them and the income of tickets with the wrong contact reasons will be huge, I'm in the process of launching our answer bot and not having that option is just not viable, how difficult it is for ZD to add that feature? Every other bot already has it.
Will Yolen
I wholeheartedly agree with the other customers who have posted here. The lack of a "back button" or "back to main menu button" is a huge miss and needs to be addresses asap. As mentioned before:
- We should have the option to have a back button at every step of the flow
- We should have the option to place a "back to main menu" button wherever we see fit.
Can zendesk share an estimate for when this feature will be released?
Andy F.
Adding my voice to the choir on this one, a back button that could be implemented in flow builder would be extremely helpful. Agree with Will and Masako.
laura abraham
I have to strongly agree here. Back and Start over buttons are absolutely standard functionalities for a bot and we don't understand why these buttons don't exist in Zendesk Flow. From our point of view, a simple "back" button after each step in the flow would be enough for the beginning. That would be better than the current state in any case. It is extremely frustrating when the customer does not get to the start of the bot, especially when he has opened a ticket and has another request. This can lead to leaving our site.
Daniel V
Team Zendesk please get your act together with this topic. The world demands it!!! We only ask for 1 button, 1 button!
Prove that you are #1 and you will remain #1.
Remember that outside the competition is fierce!!!
Kate Horner
I agree. The amount you pay for an enterprise plan to lack basic features is ridiculous. These are standard basic bot functions, and we should not have to pay thousands of dollars more to have a third-party vendor bot for something so simple. Right now you have to completely kill the web page or hard close a mobile app if it is embedded with the SDK. This is not functional! This causes a poor end-user experience and as Zendesk itself advertises the percentage of people leaving after just one poor experience is insane. I find it terrible that this chat has gone on for over a year and the problem isn't resolved for paying Customers who are trying to have a functional bot.
We need
Restart Button: Go all the way back to the initial greeting. The button can say anything from "Begin Again," "Start Over," "New Topic." We should be able to place and have full control over where this button goes as certain flows may differ from others.
Back Button: Just go back one step. Again we need full control over where this is placed as it won't there will be a certain flow you need to adjust where it is.
Answer Bot Function: Also, can we have it where they can ask questions as they do in Answer Bot to pull in the rest of your help center? Seems a waste to not be intuitive enough to marry the two features.