Notifications for when a Salesforce integration data sync fails
已于 2022年1月05日 发布
The Accounts to Organizations data sync for our Salesforce integration failed recently but we had no idea because we weren't notified. We found out days later and then re-enabled it, but by then we may have missed many syncs for Accounts/Orgs.
Need to add a subscription option for Admins to sign up to for receiving notifications when this fails... or at least blanket email all Admins.
18 条评论
Austin Killey
Hey everyone, many MANY apologies here as it's definitely been way too long for this great question and its comments to go unanswered by us.
Mark Powell, thanks so much for calling out those headaches when it comes to our Salesforce integration not yet having a feature to alert admins of integration errors/failures as they happen.
We sadly don't have this feature available just yet, but we have one of our product managers Anika Rani who has formally acknowledged the need for that feature a few weeks ago over in this article here. Just so we make sure that no one's use case and personal experiences are overlooked, feel free to follow along with that article as well for any future updates by Anika or any of our other PMs.
As always, don't hesitate to keep us posted if you and your teams discover any other pain points that you'd like to see prioritized and we'll be happy to work with you to work out any available options together. Thanks again everyone!
Fractal Research
We definitely need to be notified when a service fails or is disabled.
Lauren Block
this is critical to be able to rely on an integration
Damien Gooden
This is super critical. At present the only way we know is after data hasn't been going back and forth.
Your system already logs the failure - just need to add some sort of notification when the log is a failure rather than a success.
Stacy Robinson
I agree. This is super critical. I know on my end this failure is causing a lot of issues with data not syncing. Zendesk is a cornerstone app for our org. Integration log isn't very helpful.
Mindy B
This is critical for our email integration service as well. Without manually checking, we have no idea that there's a problem and emails to our company are a core of our business, some of which are extremely urgent so any delay could be costly.
Ryan Clagett
I agree with the other folks on this post and ran into the same issue as Mark P. Our sync stopped unknowingly for an unknown amount of time a couple times. We're not sure what's still out of sync and have been spot fixing issues as we see them, the best that can be done aside from asking our Salesforce Ops team to globally update account/contact data for all relevant organizations to force sync everything. I don't foresee us having any luck in convincing them to do this :)
A notification such as via email that users could opt in to when the sync stops is essential in my opinion.
Stacy Robinson
My sync has stopped once again. Does anyone have any idea why this keeps happening? I don't have any errors or warnings in the log.
I see that you already raised a Support ticket related to this issue. We'll wait for your update on the ticket and continue to assist you from there. Thank you!
Ashley M
This is 100% a required feature.
We had the same issue, but it was Zendesk that turned off our Salesforce sync due to their bug and only notified our Zendesk owner and not the admins. Frustrating that no notification was sent out, as the downstream effects of this have not been good.
Gabriel Dang
Absolutely critical product feature for the reliability of Zendesk platform!
The recent engagement on this topic points to the same recent integration failure with no alert to admins. These issues can have ramifications for our external and internal customers. Please prioritize on roadmap!
Gustavo Parra
We just noticed a bunch of our organizations failed to be created due to a sync issue. Not having alerts go out for this type of issue is truly unacceptable.
Ryan Clagett
Sync has stopped again and it appears to have happened over the holidays. We've missed many org/user updates. This is becoming extremely frustrating. Are there any recent updates aside from recognition of the issue? Any change in priority?
Clare Healy
The last update in Sept 2022 was that the need for the feature was acknowledged - has this been added to the roadmap?? This functionality is really needed.
David Gillespie
Hi Ryan Clagett & Clare Healy,
We don't currently have this feature on our roadmap but I've captured your request against the feature.
Appreciate your comments on the feature, this will help with getting this request prioritised.
Also a big apologies for the delayed response too Ryan Clagett!
David Gillespie
Hello everyone!
We appreciate your feedback on this topic and would love to hear more directly from you live. Please join us on September 12th at 5PM CDT for our PM Roundtable on our Salesforce integration.
It’ll be an open discussion on what is and isn’t working for you on with the Salesforce integration built by Zendesk. We're collecting feedback at the moment to help inform a new roadmap of improvements across the integration. So please bring those questions, concerns and use cases because we want to hear from you!
The link to register can be found here, we’d love to see you all there.
David Gillespie
Hi Everyone,
Following up on this thread after our PM Roundtable on the Salesforce Integration. Just wanted to stay another big thank you for providing feedback in this area.
In case you missed the PM Roundtable session, please find the deck, recording, and follow up article. Thank you again for your feedback!