Deactivate Groups
已于 2022年5月10日 发布
I would like the ability to deactivate groups. Currently the only options are to have active group or delete them. This restricts the options available when changing the group model in accounts that agents are restricted to tickets in their groups.
If the old group(s) are deleted, agents lose access to all the closed ticket history.
Which means you have to keep old group(s) active even if they are no longer used. Which opens the possibility of tickets being incorrectly associated with an old group.
9 条评论
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
I am not sure it this will help. There is an Assignment Control app from Zendesk that blocks visibility of groups in the ticket assignment menu. So you can prevent further use of a group without deleting it.
Stacy Win
ZZ Graeme Carmichael - this is a workaround, we plan to use that app. However, it isn't an ideal solution
Diane Bilo
I agree with you. We are planning to update our group structure, and I was looking to deactivate the old groups (how I came across your notes). I am now not seeing a way to change our group structure without all agents losing access to their tickets. If we cannot inactivate groups, then tickets are going to get mis-assigned and the list will be quite large. This seems like a really poor design, not having the feature to de-activate to retain history. Now, I'm not sure how to move forward.
Very glad I read your posts! Thank you!
Stacy Win
Diane Bilo
If your Zendesk account is unrestricted, agents are not restricted to tickets in the their groups, you can delete the old groups.
But if your Zendesk account is restricted, you can use the Assignment Control app to hide the groups no longer being used. It isn't 100% from my past experience with the app, but it is better than nothing.
Diane Bilo
We are restricted. I will give the app a look.
Thanks, again!
+1 - this would be a fantastic feature.
It aligns with some of the comments on general group updates that would be great to see Zendesk bring out (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4408868210074/comments/4449621393306).
Reshma Patel
100% agree on needing this functionality. We find it often that we need to retire groups from being selected in the future, however there are open tickets that are currently assigned to these groups. We have to continuously monitor the tickets until they are all fully solved out. Only then can we delete a group.
Antonya Johnston
Yes please! Need this feature!
Sydney Neubauer
+1 - we have a unique workflow that requires regular group creation and deletion - if we left groups active, we would have 500+ groups. The app is a band-aid but not enough. We prefer to deactivate rather than delete for historical access - if the wrong group was deactivated, it is not as big an issue as it would be when a group is deleted.
We also want to be able to hide groups from ever being assignable as we have triggers that do it when conditions are met. Ability to restrict assignment should extend to bulk update.