Change the order comments inside of tickets in end-user view
已于 2022年8月22日 发布
Is it possible to change the order in which End-users see comments for their tickets in "My activities" page.
I want to change it, so the most recent comment is on the top.
Is it also possible to change where the exact date and time is displayed on the comments rather than "2 months ago"
15 条评论
Ifra Saqlain
Hey Ash,
Add the given CSS to your style.css file at the bottom area.
2nd is:
Currently code is: without format='long'
Default output is:-
After adding the format:- format='long', see this
Output after adding the format=long:-
Hi Ifra,
Thank you! But is there any way to change the order of the comments inside the tickets for the end users? Currently this still shows the oldest comment on top
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Holly,
Which version are you using? Can you share the public URL?, actually I don't have content to test order of table rows.
Hi Ifra!
I appreciate the reply but unfortunately can't share the public URL. Thank you for the offer though. I'll keep on messing around with the instance!
I agree with Holly,
When the ticket is opened, we should show the comments ordered by the last comment, not by the first. This will be easier for the customer to interact with the ticket because the button ">>" is not sending to the last comment, they need to click on "Next" many times to add their comments.
Hi @Ifra,
Curious to know if there's a solution out there to move the “Add to conversation” comment box to the top of the comment list just under the ticket title for end users in “Requests." (for reference https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4880925102746/comments/5538554709274)
In our case, we also have the conversation sorted “from newest to oldest” to prevent end users from going to the last page to view the latest comment on the ticket. I'm looking for a way to move the comment box to the top so it aligns with the comment order and to improve the end-user experience
Is there a way we can accomplish this through HTML/CSS/JS?
P.S. It seems the new Zendesk Support theme doesn't allow to attach screenshots :/
Erica Girges
I'm sorry I can't seem to access your reference link.
Have you looked into editing the code directly in the theme editor?
Hi Erica Girges!

Not sure why the permalink to the comment doesn't work. It should have linked Holly's comment from Mar 29, 2023 above. However, looks like I can paste images now, here's what I was referring to.
We want to move the comment box to the top and the conversation order in descending order from newest to oldest (newest or most recent one on the top right below the comment box).
How could we accomplish that?
Erica Girges
You could attempt to do this by customizing your help center theme. I recommend taking a look at our Help Center customization and templating guides. Our Help Center cookbook does include how to add sorting options to the My Activities page for end users.
Hope this helps!
Thanks, Erica Girges I have looked into those resources in the past with no lunch. However, I figured it out by playing with the HTML elements until I got it right. I appreciate the help.
Erica Girges
Isabella Ideberg
@ ivan We have the same issue here, but I saw that you solved it with changing the html, you mind share what you did that made it work?
/ Isabella
Hi Isabella Ideberg,
Sure thing. I just moved the form element inside the
<div id='main-content" class="request-container>
in right under{{satisfaction}}
of the request_page.hbs. Here's a screenshot of where it's placed today in our help center. I also added a line break <hr> to divide the comment box from the most recent comment on the ticket. I'm using Templating API v3 (version 3.1.2 to be exact).It took a bit of trial and error to make sure all other elements respond as expected but I think this did the trick. I hope this helps.
Dakotah Poitra
Hi Ivan ,
Are you able to share what your code setup looks like to have the newest comments appear at the top and oldest descending down the page?
Dakotah Poitra that is actually a setting in Guide admin > Guide settings (gear icon) > Requests > Sort by newest comment to oldest. I didn't have to change the code.