

Dyanmic Salesforce Fields on Ticket Forms/Organizations/Lookups

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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

已于 2022年9月07日 发布

Hey there community...

We have an interesting need at my company that I really could use help solving for or just asking for a feature request. 

Example (fake scenario, but equivalent problem):

- My company uses Zendesk to support all major US league sport league (MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL and the lower end leagues). 

- in Salesforce, we have MLB as our ACCOUNT. However, each team is also configured to be an OPPORTUNITY (for our actual business, this includes upsells into different product offerings) 

- in Zendesk, we sync over MLB as the Organization, since most of the time, MLB specific employees are calling/writing in to Zendesk. While we could sync over each team, then make the MLB employee a user at each organization to get the intended impact, we would then be losing the MLB as org, where we also will want to analyze our data and users. 

What we are looking for: 

is a way to have some sort of dynamic drop-down menu, so for when a user writes in as a part of the organiation MLB, Zendesk can
1. do a data-dip into Salesforce to see what Opportunities are associated to the account (or build the drop-down menu in salesforce, which we think is also possible)
2. Pass that list of opportunities into Zendesk, on the ticket expose a drop-down menu of those opportunities directly related to the organization that the requester is a part of. 

The technology would be similar to the tech used behind the organization drop-down menu that exists today on ticket forms, when a requester belongs to 2 or more organizations. It reads what orgs the end-user is a member of, then displays them in a drop-down. More compilated, but similar. 


There could be another way to solve for this and I am completely open to suggestions, but the Lookup Relationship fields make me think this is a possibility in the future. 



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Hello Bobby Koch,

do you need to just display the opportunities available or already select one?

We have a solution that lookup data in Salesforce or any other third-party system and sync it in the backend. The data is first displayed in the ticket on Zendesk as an internal comment. 

From here, you can combine our Parser App that adds the information in the ticket field(s).

The Data-dip solution, it's ready to be used and its implementation is easy. We're building it to be available on the marketplace as well. For the moment, you can contact us via email at zendesk@knots.io and schedule a meeting with one of our technical consultants.



