

Ticketing Form Data Integrate with SQL

已于 2022年11月25日 发布

Hi All,

I need to create ETL to integrate form data to SQL tables. I am planning to use Azure DataFactory which has connector for Zendesk and also Rest API connector. I have been provided URL like this https://DOMAIN.zendesk.com/api/v2/search?query=ticket_form_id:553604652496. Domain is where our Zendesk domain name goes in and the form_id id is numbers. Is this the URL I should be using to get to the data populated by the form users? Also form has conditional field and based on the inputs users are directed to the right form/form fields. My question is the url the right url (with my domain name) to get to the data from our ETL tool? How can I find the correct api for GET Method to be able to pull the end users' data populated from the above form?





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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi there - while I can't speak to the processes external to Zendesk, if you're trying to pull data on ticket forms themselves, I would recommend using the ticket forms endpoint found here. That said, if you're trying to instead pull the actual entered data from fields after users have entered it, these parameters are instead found in the tickets endpoint as JSON parameters.
To your second question re. field names instead of IDs, at this time it is only possible to display a field's numeric ID when pulling via the API.



