Android - MaterialComponents.DayNight
已于 2023年1月20日 发布
It's all in here! https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4411468554906-Android-MaterialComponents-DayNight
Apparently need to recreate topics so...
If there's no plan for it, just say it, and ask your customers to move to Zendesk Sunrise.
I was wondering if there's a plan to support DayNight Theming correctly in the SDK within the MessagingActivity? As the chat stays white whatever settings it's set in.
Even then, the components inside have hardcoded colours which are all dark, so I guess it will need a complete review of the Theme. So wondering if there's any plans, rather than overriding every view and settings correct colours accordingly.
2 条评论
Arsim Sejdiu
Hello Steven,
I was wondering how did you customize the theme color on mobile(Android) if you have successfully changed it by hand if yes can you send me an example how you did it, because the documentation that explains it is not clear.
Here is an example of what I mean of a screen shot that I have:
In Project Mode, you can explore all the layout files from the SDK.
Then you can create your own layout files, that will override the ones from the SDK.
You can do that for colours, styles, and all. Although keep in mind when updating the SDK that if they changed something inside that you are overriding, you'll want to double-check everything.
They kind of explain it to you here: https://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/classic-web-widget-sdks/unified-sdk/android/customizing_the_look/#changing-the-look-of-each-component
I hope it helps you.