

Explore Needs to Honor Access Settings

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Sara Ledger

Zendesk Luminary

已于 2023年1月26日 发布

Feature Request Summary: 

When accessing Explore directly or when sharing a link to an Explore Dashboard, Explore needs to honor the Zendesk settings for SSO and the Share settings on the Dashboard.

Description/Use Cases: 

Issue 1: When accessing Explore directly, in the cases of Management looking at reporting first thing in the morning or Administrators working on new dashboards, Explore does not honor SSO and redirects to an End-User login page. When SSO is turned on End-Users are never given the option to register or login to the system per Zendesk settings, presenting the End-User login page is confusing to Agents who have never had to use the screen since they only use SSO and it is a page that will literally never be filled out because zero End-Users are registered. 

Issue 2: When sharing a link to a dashboard, if a link is not setup for public or End-User sharing, it should not automatically use End-User authentication to try to access the link. Zendesk should be honoring the SSO, Admin End-User login, and Dashboard Share settings instead of completely ignoring all of those settings. Ignoring all of those settings causes the user to think they do not have access to the link at all because they are presented with a message that they don't have access which is false. Users should not have to login to the Support product first to have proper authentication into the Explore product.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

Explore has shown that setting up security settings for login and sharing permissions at the Admin and Dashboard level doesn't matter. This is causing endless confusion for Agents accessing Explore when they are repeatedly told they do not have access, which is false, or are presented with a login screen they have never seen because it is not one setup for use in our system.

Other necessary information or resources:

Zendesk Support says this is working as designed to do ALL Explore authentication as End-Users and ignore all SSO, End-User Login and Dashboard Share settings. What is the point of setting these pieces up if Zendesk intentionally contradicts these settings and ignores them? Explore needs to honor the settings being used in Zendesk.



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