

Hide Send button in Messaging

已于 2023年6月12日 发布

In Zendesk Support, for a ticket created through the messaging channel, can I hide the default "Send" button from the Messaging section, in order to replace it's functionality with a custom button added as a support ticket editor app?



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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Oana! There would not be any way to do this, as the agent UI can't be modified by our apps framework. Could you tell me more about what you're trying to do to see if I can find an alternative solution?


Hi Greg! Can this be done in another way maybe, not from the apps framework? Maybe from the admin center? Is there a setting somewhere?



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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Apologies, I should have been clearer...this is simply not something that can be done in any supported method. It's possible that you could find a solution with a browser extension, but we would not be able to advise on that.


Greg Katechis

Hello Greg,

Is it possible to add another button near "Send" button with apps framework? If possible could you please share the documentation.

Have a nice day Greg.


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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Erkin! That would also not be possible for the same reasons listed above.


Greg Katechis

Thank you for the information Greg! Is it possible to add this "Send" button to any other custom app we are developing with apps framework? It is in the agent UI natively so we want to use "Send" button in our own app. 

Have a nice day!



