Updates to UI leave only a small vertical area to actual write in...
已于 2023年12月18日 发布
With the changes to the UI, and the tool bar at the foot of the page, there is such a short vertical space to use now. this does make it very difficult to create, edit and format content. If the Header section could be floating, that would allow a better view of your work without having to go to the view and back all the time...Please consider???
6 条评论
Tara McCann
We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Julia McKellow
Thanks Tara
I also noticed that the footer bar with the new icons is very much taller than it needs to be to accommodate the buttons etc that are there. It could be half the height and give back couple of lines for editing.
I am attaching a screenshot of my edit screen. I have outlined the entire screen in a red outline so you can see that this is the whole edit screen. As you can see the space where I can edit and format content (in the smaller red outline) is only a small fraction of the screen. the footer bar is marked with red arrows. It is not a good layout design for efficient writing and editing!
Thank you
Kind regards
Ryan Bickett
Agreed, the recent changes have made the user experience noticeably worse. Julia's screenshot is a perfect demonstration. There is a lot of wasted white space above the article too, between the title and the toolbar at the top of the page. Editing articles feels claustrophobic, I can't see enough content at once.
Cécile Luft
Totally agree on that, it's really impacting our work and makes it hard to edit articles.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi All,
Thank you for sharing your feedback about the most recent changes to the article UI. As stated in the announcement those are just first of many that we are planning for this year and hopefully at the end of this process all your old and current pain-points will be addressed and you'll enjoy much more feature rich editor. If you are interested in the upcoming changes I suggest bookmarking this article, it describes what is already in the release pipeline and will be regularly updated with new information.
Julia McKellow, thanks for bringing the padding issue to our attention. We'll try to reduce it in the coming weeks and make the top icons and the footer leaner. We are also planning bigger changes in the writing area in the future.
Julia McKellow
Hi Katarzyna Karpinska, thanks for responding.
It's not necessary to restrict the editing space horizontally as much as it is either - the section on the right hand side does not need to be so wide. Maybe that could be a lot narrower until the user clicks on the "Article settings", and then expand it.
We really are struggling editing articles now, especially in the placement of images. It is now easier, though a lot slower, to write the content for an article in Word and then paste it in to Zendesk, then we need to re-format for headings, links, etc.
We'd really appreciate your prompt attention to this! Thank you.