Easier interaction when changing an agent's default group
已于 2024年1月24日 发布
Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)
Editing an agent's groups through their profile can be unnecessarily tedious, especially if you have a large number of groups. This is because the "default group" dropdown is listed after all the group cards. Depending on your processes, making simple changes to an agent's groups can be a frequent annoyance or a rare head-scratcher for admins (or agents with the newly-introduced permission to modify group memberships).
What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences)
Changing an agent's groups often involves adding a user to a new group, setting that group to be their default group, and removing them from their previous group. Since changing the default group must occur after setting the new group but before removing the old one, this involves at least scrolling to the bottom of the modal to change the default group before scrolling back up to remove their old group. It can be easy to lose your place, and especially frustrating if the new/old groups are close to each other but far from the bottom.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)
It's a minor annoyance that I believe would require an appropriately minor effort to fix. I recently had to migrate a set of agents to a new group, which required scrolling up and down the group modal for about 5x as long as I believe is necessary. This happens a few times each month in my current environment, but has been a near-daily task in the past.
Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)
I have considered writing a custom app to make group changes easier, but it's not currently annoying/frequent enough to spend hours fixing.
What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)
I can imagine two changes that would greatly improve this process. The first is some UI element on the group card itself that allows you to set it as the default group directly, which would also help to indicate which group is an agent's default. The second change would be to replace the "you can't remove this group unless you set another as default" message with a prompt that allows you to immediately select a new default group, perhaps surfacing the exact dropdown that you'd otherwise need to scroll to.
Current: Scroll to new group, click it. Scroll to bottom, make default dropdown selection. Scroll back up, remove former group.
Potential: Scroll to new group, click it. Click "make default" button on the same card. Scroll to old group, click to remove. Done.
Or: Scroll to old default group, click it. Select new default group from the dropdown. Done.
3 条评论
Sydney Neubauer
+1 The other frustration it adds is if you have to do a bunch of Agents as you have to go into each. And then if you need to doublecheck the default group, you have to open their groups to see what it is.
It would be nice being able to see or make that change from their Profile (like changing the primary address) without opening a new tab of their groups then scrolling.
Ie. on their profile it states which group is the (default)
Shawna James
Jamie Noell
Completely agree with the above
My UI preference would be that Zendesk would allow me to remove a group (even the default) without having to scroll down to do so and back-up to then remove the group. If there is only one group left, then that automatically would become the default.
Similarly, on the Group management window, I'd like to be able to remove the person from the default group. It's time-consuming to then open the person's profile:
- The person's name link takes you to the Roles and access page where ...
- I then have to click Manage in support which
- The person's profile opens in a separate window
If the person still has multiple groups, I'd rather accept the risk of not having a default group at all or perhaps Zendesk prompts to me enter one ... but that would be after I have finished adding the groups and go to close the group pop-up.
We have 178 groups and growing, so the scrolling is very time-consuming.