

Can I route voicemails to different views based on the line they are received at?

已于 2024年3月07日 发布

We have a few different phone numbers, and we've set one up as a non-urgent request line that goes straight to voicemail. What I'm looking to do is have the voicemails from that line go to a different view than our other voicemails, to be actioned by our team leads only. Is this possible?



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Gabriel Manlapig

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jessica,

Natively, it is not possible to route a specific voicemail ticket based on the Zendesk Talk line they called to (the line where you received the call). However, if your team leads have their own group inside of your account, you can set up the routing group inside your Talk line setting.
1. Edit your Talk number (non-urgent request line) where the calls go straight to voicemail.
2. Go to Routing > Enable Routing Group and choose team leads.

For reference, please see this article: Routing incoming calls to groups of agents
Lastly, you can create a specific ticket view for a specific group of agents, and in your case, you will use the "Ticked Group > is > Team leads" as your conditions and exclude the same condition from the other views that you have. 
I hope that helps. Thank you!


Hi there,

Inquiring on configuration and setup with routing Voicemails to Agents.

Current configuration: 
Talk - Talk and email - Channels - Lines - Routing - Support (Group Created for Support Agents)

Objects and Rules - Business rules - Skills - Voicemail

Channel > Is > Voicemail
Agents who has this skill [All four Agents assigned to skill]

Objects and Rules - Omnichannel routing - Queues - Voicemail

Channel > Is > Voicemail
Ticket > Is > Created

Ticket > Is > Updated
Groups - Primary Groups: HP, Normal Priority, Phone Grp 1

Result: Dialing Sandbox fax number creates ticket in the Voicemail View successfully but fails to route to any assigned Online Agent under the designated group/skill.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!



