Zendesk Talk Overflow is not a good "off-hours" option
已于 2024年3月29日 发布
During normal business hours, we use the IVR and Greetings to state where the customer has called, offer options to speak to support, leave a voicemail, or be directed to our company's main business line.
The problem comes during off hours.
We currently have an agent functioning on-call with their personal cell phone after hours. We have this manually set as the overflow number. The way Zendesk has this setup leaves no option for any greeting when using this setting. This means our customers call and have no option to leave a voicemail, but even more, they are not given the normal business hours greeting sharing that they have called our company.
There is no reason for the off-hours setup to function differently than during business hours other than the “talk number” could be updated to an external number within the IVR flow. Even better, allow Agents to use the Talk app to answer calls when they are marked as “on-call," or something similar. That would allow us to keep stats, better manage our current staffing and availability, and, more importantly, give our customers the experience they deserve.
If there is a Zendesk Product Manager that can speak to this, that would be extremely helpful.
3 条评论
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Sean Chuang
Thank you for your question. Calls that come in outside of your scheduled business hours behave differently depending on how you have configured your Talk line:
Liz Drews
@Sean Chuang, thanks for pointing out how the outside-of-business-hours calls function. The issue is that there is no app for my on-call person to use on their phone to receive the calls and access the ticket for notes or responses. With the call directed to a cell phone, no voicemail message is available if the on-call person is actively on a call, there is no transcription available for the calls, and there is no way for the on-call person to know it is a customer call when their cell rings.
As mentioned, if using overflow, why isn't the off-hours IVR able to be used? Why not have the process be the same? In our case, selecting ‘1’ during business hours gets you to the Support group and ‘3’' to leave a voicemail. Why not allow this same setup during off hours? The visibility of Talk is significantly impacted by the inability to allow someone to be available for customers' off hours while also being able to leave the house. Upgrading the Support app or having a specific Talk app to take calls would be great. It could really help the efficiency of assisting customers to for agents and improve the experience customers have when calling during off-hours as well.