

[Feature Request] Ability to redact while Messaging conversations are active

已于 2024年4月25日 发布

Hi Zendesk team,


I am creating this post to request an update to the redaction limitations for Zendesk Messaging. 



Agents are unable to perform text or attachment redactions from Messaging conversations while they are active. Agents must wait for a Messaging conversation to become inactive, either organically after the customer hasn't sent a message for 10 minutes or manually by submitting the ticket as Pending, On-Hold, or Solved, before they are able to perform a redaction. 


When an agent is serving 2-3 chats or more at a time, it can be easy to forget to redact text or files from conversations before Solving them and serving additional customers. This results in an increased risk to the unintentional retention of PII on tickets. 



Introduce the ability to redact while Messaging conversations are active. 


If agents had the ability to perform text or attachment redactions in Messaging tickets while the conversation is still active, that would greatly reduce the risk of redactions being missed. This would also improve agent workflow and efficiency by allowing them to perform redactions in realtime rather than needing to make a mental note to do so once a conversation has ended. 


If this isn't possible due to a technical limitation, we would alternately love to see the introduction of a redaction reminder feature that would notify agents that redaction needs to be performed - either if it is detected automatically on a ticket or if the agent indicates that redaction will be required at the end of the conversation. 


Thank you for your consideration!





3 条评论

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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Steven,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!


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Prakruti Hindia

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Steven, 

Thank you for providing detailed feedback. We are looking at enabling redaction when the messaging ticket is active. It is in discovery and planning at the moment. I will drop an update once the planning has completed. 


- Prakruti


Prakruti Hindia That's great to hear - thank you! I will keep an eye out for updates. 



