Feature Request: Different Background Color for Comments Made By CC'd Not Added by Ticket Requester or Agent
已于 2024年7月11日 发布
Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)
This issue impacts our Agents currently. Theoretically this could impact Requesters as well.
What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences)
Having a different background color for these types of instances, where a CC reply becomes an internal note because the Requester or Agent didn't add them, allows Agents to easily identify these and not “freak out” when they see an end-user posting an internal note.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)
This problem is encountered daily.
Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)
The new flagging system in Zendesk helps, but the font is small and we have bad eyes ;P
What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)
My ideal solution to this problem would be to have a different background color for these types of “internal” notes instead of the regular post-it note yellow. Thank you!
5 条评论
Scott Tynan
Makes sense and would indeed improve UX.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 agreed. This is also something our teams have been asking for.
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Laura Deen
I agree with this comment. Our agents are often confused when end user comments appear in the same color as internal comments.
Amisha Sharma
This is a great feature request and I have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.