

How do I sign up for the Entity detection EAP?

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David Falé

Zendesk Product Manager

已于 2024年7月11日 发布

Sign up now

You can sign up for the EAP here.

We have enabled the feature for the first participants in the week of July 8, 2024.


We would love your feedback!

This is an Early Access Program and we expect that there may be some bugs in the system. We'd appreciate any feedback and reproduction steps if you run into unexpected issues.

Please use our community topic for more details on how to leave feedback.



2 条评论

  • It looks like it does not support dynamic content. I have run many tests where I try to detect a DC phrase and it doesn't pick it up, in English or DC ({{dc.placeholder_name}} etc) - Can you confirm?
  • It detects keywords/ phrases that you configure within the taxonomy of the entity detection fields
  • From testing it does not detect if there are spelling mistakes, or you do not enter the whole phrase.
  • In my example I used the product 'digestive biscuit'. It would not detect 'dygestive bisciut', just 'digestive' or just 'biscuit'
  • In another example I had 'doritos chilli heatwave' and it did not detect 'chilli heatwave doritos' so the order of the phrase matters as well
  • You can detect phrases in email and webform, it does not appear to work for messaging - Can you confirm?


  • It looks like it does not support dynamic content. I have run many tests where I try to detect a DC phrase and it doesn't pick it up, in English or DC ({{dc.placeholder_name}} etc) - Can you confirm?
  • It detects keywords/ phrases that you configure within the taxonomy of the entity detection fields
  • From testing it does not detect if there are spelling mistakes, or you do not enter the whole phrase.
  • In my example I used the product 'digestive biscuit'. It would not detect 'dygestive bisciut', just 'digestive' or just 'biscuit'
  • In another example I had 'doritos chilli heatwave' and it did not detect 'chilli heatwave doritos' so the order of the phrase matters as well
  • You can perform actions on this automated detection such as triggers, automations, SLAs and data deletion schedules
  • You can detect phrases in email and webform, it does not appear to work for messaging. - Can you confirm?



