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Side conversation threads
Gepostet 23. Apr. 2021
The side conversation ingest ingests everything, including signatures and image files which are part of people’s signatures. If there is a long thread in the incoming email, old emails that are part of that thread – and already in the side conversation – get ingested again, which makes reading it later very confusing.
4 Kommentare
Annie Baker
We set side conversations to a brand that doesn't use email signature and this was a huge change in side conversations that we would prefer be more of a chat conversation then an email conversations. I still wish ZD had the option of chat side conversations instead of just emails.
Sydney Neubauer
I made a bigger feedback post for all limitations and included this post in it: Side Conversation Limitations – Zendesk help
Shawna James
Toby Sterrett
Hi all. I think Sydney's post does refer to the same idea, and my reply can be read over there (amongst other feedback conversations). But, if you have some specific side conversations that appear to be duplicating messages and/or not collapsing previous content and signatures, you can submit a ticket that points to the specific side conversation(s) so we can investigate the emails that aren't being processed correctly.