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Disable the Default Organisations Feature
Gepostet 19. Jan. 2021
Due to the way that we support our customers that work within multiple organisations the way that Zendesk defaults tickets to the Top/Default organisation for each user means we misfile a lot of our tickets under the wrong organisations.
We search for the organisation, then find the user under the oragnisation, then choose "create Ticket" but Zendesk automatically changes the organisation to the users default (very hard to spot from an agent's point of view) and tickets are then created in the wrong place.
We know Zendesk is designed to work more with the user's more than the organisation but it's more important for us the the ticket is under the correct organisation rather than the correct user. Defaulting emails to their default org can cause the same issues but a little bit easier to spot.
An option to disable the default organisation or at least create the ticket under the organistion we just chose the user from would be great.
If there is already a request for this, where is it, can i vote for it?
Example of the issue: https://www.screencast.com/t/qE8a3MQG
Related Zendesk article explaining how the default ORG's work: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203690926-Updating-ticket-requesters-and-organizations
7 Kommentare
Dan Cooper
It would be great to allow for channels like email to be able to create tickets under a null organization until one is explicitly set by a user.
Expanding on this, allowing an end user to select their default organization would be helpful. Since a customer can change the organization on a ticket anyway, it makes sense that they should be able to set their default as well.
This could break many workflows that rely on organization fields and such, so I think it would have to be an option that could be enabled on the account level.
Please disable default Org future.
It is a nightmare to correct the data after ZenDesk associates a ticket with wrong Organization.
What if the ticket contains sensitive information and Zendesk decides to share it with completely different ORG?
James Hanley
Hey folks,
James here from the Zendesk product team.
Happy to say this one is on our backlog - we're looking at an experience that when multiple orgs is enabled, an additional setting will be available to disable the automatic assignment of tickets to the user's default org, if a user is a member of multiple orgs.
Hoping this will address some of the core issues here - however if that's not going to get it done, please let us know!
Richard Harris 2
What you have described James would be exactly what we need.
My only add request is can the org field be searchable, rather than pure drop down where i need to scroll down the list, you can type the org to find it (like the requester field or custom drop down)
We have some users that belong to 100+ orgs so to be able to type the org would be useful.
Erik Cerbulis
Not sure if this has progressed or if you are still looking for beta testers but I would be willing to test this. Having to review tickets to ensure the org record is correct is a needlessly time-consuming function but it has to be done for QC and ensuring statistics are correct.
AJ Sneed
Throwing my request in here for this to be a thing. We have thousands of users on our system that could potentially put in a ticket request and its harder for reporting when they are mapped to an incorrect account as a default. I'd like to be able to turn it off for us.
Mike Malenitza
Can my organization get added to the beta list?