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How to Integrate Azure DevOps with Zendesk
Gepostet 17. Juni 2021
Sync comments and attachments from Zendesk to Azure DevOps?

Syncing of Comments, Status and Attachments from Zendesk to Azure DevOps
In order to use the Zendesk Syncing of Comments and Attachments to Azure DevOps please contact support@devopsintegration.io. They will walk you through the Syncing setup guide.
We are providing the few types of syncing of comments from Zendesk:-
1. Syncing of all comments from Zendesk to Azure DevOps.
2. Syncing of tag based comments from Zendesk to Azure DevOps.
1. Syncing of all comments from Zendesk
This will let sync all the comments from Zendesk to Azure DevOps. It will sync every comment you posted in Zendesk to linked tickets in Azure DevOps.
Comment syncing with inline images
Syncing Attachments from Azure DevOps to Zendesk
2. Syncing of tag based comments from Azure DevOps
This will let sync only comments based on condition that you specified in the hook from Azure DevOps to Zendesk. It will not sync every comment you posted in Azure DevOps to linked tickets in Zendesk. The condition will be something like @zd or @sync for Zendesk respectively.
For any questions please drop an email to support@devopsintegration.io
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