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When raising a child ticket auto-populate the same requester as the parent ticket
Gepostet 01. Feb. 2021
At the moment we use child ticket to create work for other teams, these teams will go back to the customer directly, rather than going to the advisor that raised the ticket. We raise child ticket via side conversations by using macros at the moment
Currently, the advisor raising the ticket needs to manually change the requester of the child ticket to the requester of the parent ticket. The reason we need these to be the same is that we have automations off the back of the child ticket to email the requester (customer).
I would like the ability to set the requester on a child ticket when using a macro. This would save advisors time and also reduce the risk of an automation emailing the incorrect end user.
4 Kommentare
Hi @...,
I asked this as well in my comments under the announcement as well.
Fabio This link does not seem to be working.
I would really like how to do this
Chris Haller
This would be a helpful feature
Agree more Macro functionality for Side Conversations would be great.
At the moment our Side Conversation Macros are always a two-part process. First macro creates the Side Conversation. Then the second macro (which need to be applied to the Side Conversation ticket) fills in all the fields.
70% of the time the Agents forget to apply the second macro to the Side Conversation ticket and instead apply it to the Parent Ticket. Which in turn messes up our processes and the tickets.