Zendesk Talk - Outbound Call Greeting
Gepostet 22. Juli 2019
Currently there is no option to play an automated greeting for outbound calls. We would like a feature to play a greeting for outbound calls right when the call connects, either as a phone number greeting setting or as part of an outbound IVR configuration.
Use case: Since call recordings are a per number setting, turning on call recordings for a phone number means turning on call recordings for both inbound and outbound calls. The option to automatically notify customers a call may be recorded is available for inbound calls, but there is no automated solution for outbound calls. The only way to notify a customer an outbound call is recorded is by the agent stating so, which is vulnerable to error.
21 Kommentare
Sean Chuang
Update 1/17/24
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, this is not on the roadmap for 2024.
Thanks for the feedback!
We hear you but it is important to note that to automate this function requires us to vet for quality issues, including voice transmission delays and other end user concerns, specifically over hearing a call at the onset with an automated message. While we don't know each specific scenario, from our research, we have found that generally for end users, this could be a less than ideal phone call experience.
That being said, we will put it in the backlog for consideration.
Hillary Raigner
+1 to this - In CA you have to have consent to record a call before you start recording so we can only do call recordings on inbound calls where someone has the option to opt-out prior to any call recording happening.
jax g
Axel Mora
We are in CA, we will soon start using Talk to make outbound calls so +1 to this request.
Tyler Sulzberger
+1 for Outbound IVR
Michael Penland
Agree. we need to be able to set an outbound greeting.
also see https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/1260801099370-Pre-recorded-greeting-at-the-beginning-of-the-call-that-clearly-announcing-that-the-call-will-be-recorded?input_string=Outbound%20call%20greeting%20recording%20to
Jorma Vaughn
My team has now disabled all call recordings because of the risk of human error. This feature is available through Ring Central and Amazon Connect. Without this feature, the option for call recording is useless.
WhatsApp Connector
+1 This is a useful feature to make agents more productive.
Nick Wurm
Coming up on 3 years since posted and no acknowledgment by Zendesk?!
John Schwaggert
Greetings, or perhaps no greetings?
Montana law requires that all parties have knowledge of call recording. Call recording is really helpful for us but training humans who are making outbound calls to say that calls are recorded every time is not. A simple option for outbound call greetings that play before the agent and destination would be a perfect setting for each line, it would also give us a chance to customize any other greeting information so it's likely helpful even if we don't need it for call recording. I can't believe there isn't an option for this, nor that others haven't complained as there are quite a few states that aren't just one party states. I would like to tip our cap into the ring here and request this feature.
Sara Ledger
We are a national company and this is a major issue for us due to multiple states requiring two party consent for recording. This is a legal issue that we need to provide an automated message for to cover our teams and avoid potential repercussions if our agents do not state the call may be recorded.
Andris Vilcāns
Hello Zendesk,
According to GDPR regulation in EU Art. 13 GDPR Art. 13 GDPR – Information to be provided where personal data are collected from the data subject - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (gdpr-info.eu) we have to inform our customers that call will be recorded.
Our agents are doing it again and again.
When do you plan to implement the automatic pre-recorded greeting for Outbound Calls which is more than very welcome in 21st century to exclude human factor for that kind of repeatable tasks?
Best regards,
Denis Oskolkov
Hello Zendesk and Everyone,
I wholeheartedly agree with the above message. In this digital age, automation should be leveraged to handle repetitive tasks and ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR. The necessity for agents to verbally state that calls are being recorded every single time feels both redundant and prone to human error.
An automatic pre-recorded greeting for outbound calls is not just a "nice-to-have" but an essential feature that would greatly assist in maintaining compliance and efficiency.
Looking forward to seeing progress on this issue. Thank you.
Best regards,
Michael Pham
Hi Zendesk,
I would like to upvote this particular feedback, and echo the sentiments expressed by Denis.
Thank you,
Kelsey Hales
Hey, +1 to this. This basically kills any outbound call systems for the EU and the US due to GDPR and California consent recording laws. I literally can do no quality for these teams which opens up additional concerns. Please prioritize this beyond the backlog.
Aaron Doane
I echo the comments from Denis - https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409216995738/comments/6230929913114
Our organization is very excited to begin using Talk, however, not having an option to automatically get consent on an outbound call seems like a miss to me. Zendesk has such a focus on providing a great agent experience, but shifting the responsibility for call recording compliance from the software/Admin level to the agent really has the opposite effect. Talk has so many benefits for the agent experience, but having to verbally ask for consent for every outbound call offsets this quite a bit. The fact that legal compliance plays into the use case makes this even more important to customers who want to use Talk.
Cristian Cucu
Zendesk - it's 2024, people have been requesting this since 2019 and it's not yet possible do to greetings / automated messages informing customers that a call is recorded yet? Why? What is stopping you? This is quite frustrating and may require us to choose another phone provider, which in turn will require us to reconsider our Suite subscription. Seriously, is there some clear information you can provide as to if and when such a feature will be available?
Shawna James
I understand how our recent updates about this feature not being prioritized might have caused frustration because we didn't reference our guidelines in this post. Product feedback that is provided in this space is not guaranteed to be included on any product backlog or roadmaps. While we listen and read every piece of feedback that comes through this forum, in some instances, our product teams need to make the tough decision to work in a direction that is not aligned with a particular piece of feedback. This Community forum is simply for sharing your challenges and how you use the product, but it is not a case/resolution system.
In this case, the product teams update at the beginning of 2024 on this thread is the most up to date: we understand the validity of this feature request but due to the concerns noted, it is not on the roadmap for this year. It is still in our backlog and we will revisit this and other feature requests in the future as the team is able.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable Zendesk customer.
Nick Wurm
RemindMe! 5 Years /s
Luiza Maués
As someone handling a long-time Zendesk account, I feel compelled to express my disappointment regarding the lack of a vital feature: an IVR system for outbound calls. Notifying customers and securing their consent for call recordings is not a new demand in customer support services, making it surprising that Zendesk has yet to address this issue. While my company has been satisfied with Zendesk for the past 10 years, the emergence of new competitors in the market is a reality, and they are eager to provide quicker solutions for customer support.
As we contemplate the integration of Talk into our operations, these limitations raise questions about Zendesk's capability to deliver a tool that aligns with current and future needs. We would much prefer an IVR system for outbound calls over many of the features that have been introduced since this conversation began in 2019.
This is not a trivial matter. A single oversight by an agent, such as failing to read the alert at the beginning of a call, could expose our company to legal risks. Additionally, this is a task that could be easily automated.
I would like to add my support for this feature, hoping that we can see a reconsideration of its prioritization.
Nick Wurm
Luiza Maués well said!
What Zendesk competitors are you considering?