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Zendesk Voice: New call notification through speakers, call through headset


Gepostet 20. Apr. 2012

Our support people don't have their headsets on all of the time and are often flipping between applications -- meaning they don't always have Zendesk on-screen.

To use the audio through the browser, the notification "ring" AND the audio from the caller goes to the Windows default speaker. The Flash configuration pop-up only lets you choose your mic, but not your speaker. So, you can either have that audio go to the computer speaker or to the headset. Here's the problem:

  1. You don't want to wear a headset just for the mic, but have the caller's audio come through the speakers.

  2. If you pick headset as your default Windows speaker, then you don't hear the call notification "ring" unless you're always wearing your headset or always staring at Zendesk -- which we aren't.

That means for us, I can't find a way to use Zendesk voice because there's no good way to know when a call comes in.

Even if the pop-up happened in a way that would come up on the user's desktop, it could work. But it's only in that one browser window that's running Zendesk. If they aren't looking at it, they won't see that, either.

If someone has ideas on how to address this otherwise, let me know, since we'd love to use the voice features!



107 Kommentare


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Joey Barrett

Zendesk Product Manager

Update for August 2024

Due to changed priority, we have not been able to roll out this improvement. We are currently evaluating it for 2025 planning. Apologies.



Update for August 2023

This is on our roadmap and will be addressed in 2024. This is part of our overhaul of Talk Call Console so it will take some time. Thank you for your patience.



Update for 2022 

Hi All, 

We see a lot of value in implementing this feature. 

We are currently exploring how we can get this to market quicker considering our current roadmap priorities, I will endeavour to update this post in 60 days on next steps


-- previous reply --

Your participation on this topic has been overwhelming and your voice was heard. We are glad to let you know that we are picking up this requirement as part of our Voice of Customer investment for the future of Talk, also considering the current working situation faced by many employees.

Our plan is to offer a UI switch to select the output channel for audio so that agents will be able to select their preferred choice, based on their situation (e.g. away from the PC, with no headphones). 

We are currently not in a position to offer a specific timeline due to the multiple active initiatives on Talk, but we will update this post again as soon as we are closer to a release.

Thanks again for the feedback and keep it coming.

Product Team


Setting this up as a browser answered soft phone would be great and I agree the headset/speaker configuration should be more dynamic.






@ Even if the pop-up happened in a way that would come up on the user's desktop, it could work. But it's only in that one browser window that's running Zendesk. If they aren't looking at it, they won't see that, either.




+1 to this - I would love to see a pop up notification, so that if your not wearing your headset - you know someone is calling!




I cant imagine there would be anything hard to implement here. A small desktop application which connects to your Zendesk and provides a pop up on your screen which allows you to answer/decline a call. 


Having calls come in while my speakers are on mute or if my headset is plugged in but not wearing it means we miss calls. 


Zendesk, any plans or suggestions? 


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Neil Weldon

Zendesk Product Manager

We're working on HTML 5 based browser notifications. These will be available in April 2014. The idea here is to give you the notification which if you click on it will bring you to Zendesk so you can answer the call.


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Neil Weldon

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, 

I plan to open the Browser Based notifications for Zendesk Voice as a Beta in the coming weeks. If you are interested please sign up for the beta here. https://zendesk.wufoo.com/forms/zendesk-voice-browser-based-notifications/



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Neil Weldon

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, 

Browser based notifications for voice have been released today. Documentation may be found here : https://support.zendesk.com/entries/20415731-Taking-inbound-telephone-calls-with-Zendesk-Voice



Neil, your update didn't solve anything the original poster mentioned.

Phones have ring tones, we cannot hear the ring tones if the headset is plugged in, we need a feature where the ring tone can be heard through the speakers.

Or else Zendesk voice feature is always going to be second to conventional VOIP phone systems.



Agreed would prefer the ring via system speakers then on answer switch to headset and mic.

Far more usable for agents then browser alert and provides the freedom to remove the headset throughout the day.




I agree with what everyone is saying here. It's not practical to set your default speaker for your whole computer to your headset. You only want to use your headset while in a call.


We are experiencing exactly the same problems, but we will just try to use our mobiles instead of softphones, thus, the ring tone will be heard in the mobile phone and with the right kind of headset we can work completely mobile anyway.


External Ring would really help out, we are missing calls because we don't have our headsets on all day.


This is exactly my problem right now! I am assuming this hasn't been addressed still?


Hello? This is such a serious problem for us. Our agents do not have their headsets on all the time. Any workaround to address this issue?


Hi Sam, if you let your agents use their mobilephones to answer the incoming calls it works as you want it. We've tried it, it's working fine but I would like Zendesk to have a better solutions because when you're using your mobilephones the cost is higher.


Yes please! 

This sort of thing works in other chat/call clients, wheras the ringing comes through the speakers, but as soon as I answer, the speakers become my headset.

I have my laptop speakers set as the "Default Output device" but my headset as my "Default Communication device". It'd be great if Zendesk Voice could support this.


I totally agree Michael!


No update to this? 


We're having the exact same issue as everyone else on this thread...

This is a gaping hole in the solution.

Counterpath/Bria handles this perfectly -- what gives? 


Had come here hoping to find a solution to this issue as we also suffer with this and are missing calls.

Hope Zendesk can provide an update soon, perhaps they don't have their headsets on though so aren't seeing these calls for help! ;)



Is there any news related to this question? We just started to use ZD voice and immediately we found out that calls are being missed because agents don't have their headset on all day. Hope there is a solution for this problem soon because in our opinion this is a must for giving our customers professional support.





We have the same issue.

You can make the headset and speakers work together with independent volume controls


Will work for a few but not all


Another option would be setup a PC as an agent with no user and have it speakers only. So effectively you have a PC as the ringer for the whole office.

If you got really smart you could install in to a speaker system and have them located all over the office.



The option of using a dummy account has limitations in that calls are offered in a round robin format so it will only ring when it's offered the call.

Unless I'm missing a setting where you can have it ring all available agents at the same time?



I think the round robin feature is very limiting. We've had to pull the project today because it's the only way you can make the phones ring. 


I don't how you get away charged so much when so many features are missing. 


No updates?


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