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Side Conversation Signatures all at the bottom of the trail
Gepostet 17. Juli 2020
We had complaints from colleagues outside of Zendesk where emails received from side conversations are very informal and unprofessional, we then realised that each time you reply to a side conversation thread, the reply to the whole thread is quoted and the signature added again at the bottom. In our business we often have ongoing discussions with colleagues who do not use Zendesk Support so we end up with an email thread with multiple repeated signatures, all of the bottom of the chain, recipients of the email get completely lost and often ask "who are you?", "I can't see your signature anywhere?".
This is not how a standard email client should work and very unprofessional in my opinion.
Is there a fix for this and if not, can it please be considered?
7 Kommentare
Toby Sterrett
Hi everyone, just wanted to check in here to say that we made an adjustment to signatures in email side conversations so that they are included directly after the message that is typed into the side conversation composer, above the previously quoted content. This should hopefully alleviate the problems some email clients had when the signature came after the quoted content.
Mo Elsopki
I'm getting the same, any updates?
Jacob Bergman
Same for us. Do you have any fix for this?
Adrian Bishop
We continue to get complaints from our internal non-Zendesk staff about this situation, I think the concept of side conversations is great but the functionality is really poor and lets ZD support down dearly.
We are heavily reliant on this feature and it just doesn't deliver well at all.
Mo Elsopki
Agreed, we're in the same boat!
Adrian Bishop
@... Thanks for sorting this, hopefully the recipients of these mails will no longer question who the email is from :)
Martijn Snels • pluscloud.nl - Zendesk Premier Partner
@... I noticed this message where you confirm the signature should be above the quoted text of a Side Conversation. Does this apply to quotes of comments in the tickets as well? We do not see that behavior yet, and it's creating the same confusion as Adrian Bishop is describing.