Random Satisfaction Surveys - Set Sampling Rate

Nicht geplant

Gepostet 24. März 2012

In our business we have a lot of end users who create many tickets and they get tired of getting the survey emails every time their ticket is closed.  We had one client ask us to turn it off all together.

We still would like their feedback and though a "Random" check box, or "Send Satisfaction Surveys every _____ tickets" would be a nice feature to have



91 Kommentare

I second this post!

The survey function is great, and creating additional rules/automation/suppression is also good functionality.

The main win for me would be to have an 'on demand' function - so effectively write the survey and send to all users at the click of a button (for annual surveys).





Need feature ASAP. Considering downgrading our account in the meantime due to lack of functionality of sending only one request per email. The new pricing that allows for these surveys to be sent is quite expensive and is the only feature we would need on that level/plan. Not worth it considering we have lost clients due to their annoyment  with getting these every time they email. 

Thank you


This request has been running for 5 years!  C'mon Zendesk, this is a clearly needed feature.

I've set up the "all or nothing" checkbox in the user profile, but that only helps when they are upset enough that they demand to stop receiving surveys.  Plenty of other customers gripe and mention their annoyance with the amount of surveys they get, but we try to avoid shutting them down completely because we're proud of our otherwise high satisfaction rates.  Shutting down survey's for customers becomes a problem if they are a repeat customer the following year and we don't turn it back on for them, which is impossible to stay on top of with thousands of users.  We'd still like to provide the customer an opportunity to give us feedback if they use our software again in the future.

Please add this feature!


This other request goes hand in hand.


Been really trying to gain traction on it.




+1 for me 


We are also interested if Zendesk would consider providing frequency settings/flexibility for satisfaction surveys.   We turned it on two weeks ago, and have had numerous complaints from our customers that are big ticket producers.


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ZZ Graeme Carmichael

Community Moderator


If you are sending Satisfaction surveys through an automation, you can reduce the interruptions to customers by adjusting the conditions.

For example, you can tag big ticket users or organisations to be excluded from the automation. Change the automation's condition to check for the tag not being present before offering the satisfaction survey.

To ensure that the big ticket users can still participate in satisfaction feedback, use a trigger to offer the satisfaction rating for these customers. They can then rate tickets via the web interface where they feel the need. Because they are big ticket users, they are likely to be aware of the satisfaction feature, so you should not miss out on feedback.

Hope that helps.


wooooof. can't believe this still hasn't been implemented. The tag option isn't a good option. You have a condition for NPS that is "within the previous".  Why can't we have a CSAT one that stops it if they've got one within the last x timeframe? come'aaaaaan


We've been waiting for this feature for a really long time.  What's the hold up? 


We have same concern when asking for the satisfaction and that's why still have not started using it.

I have tried even putting satisfaction placeholder in an email template and trigger that updates the user on a comment so the user will have the option to rate support in each email instead of separate email. But what is not working is that the rate link is asking for a user log in :(


+ 1 I use an external tool to get players satisfactions feedback. I am not really happy with this solution but Zendesk is not willing to add this feature while it affects a large part of theirs customers. I am disappointed.


@Steven Yan Can we get an update from Zendesk on whether this is something you guys are trying to implement?


Totally agree that this is a needed (not desired) functionality.  I've never worked with a system before that can only send the survey either "always" or "never".  Intermittent toggles is a must.



Hi Everyone


i would really love this feature also, we have clients who send us up to 50 tickets a day so i have had to turn off their survey as its just too much!


Still hoping for an update on this. Would love to see that tag changed to "Planned"


This is a needed feature is there any news on this shifting to planned?


This is a much needed feature!  I want to control the number of surveys being sent to our customers, and who receives them to prevent survey fatigue.  For example, I'd like to be able to send a survey to random groups each week rather than after every ticket, or perhaps, only send a survey if the customer has not already been sent one in the last month. Our response rate is low, even among customer groups who raise a lot of tickets and therefore have lots of opportunities to respond.

Tweaking automations and triggers to include or exclude certain organisations or other conditions simply isn't an option, it's too time consuming and allows the survey audience to be manipulated - rather than randomised, which is the ethos behind this request.

Come on Zendesk - start listening to your customers!


C'mon Zendesk! Move on this one please.







People have been asking about this for five years and Zendesk does not evem respond. What is the point of this forum if Zendesk does not even respond to a critical feature request for 5 years?


Want it.



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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all - 

Thanks for your feedback. As always, specific examples of how a function impacts your business and detailed use cases are the most helpful for Product Managers. It's important that they not just hear a request, but that they understand the problem you're having so that they can solve for it. 

We are aware that there has been a lack of communication in the Product Feedback Community for some time, and are taking active steps to improve the experience. I'm checking in with Product on several things next week, and will let you know what I hear about this particular area. 


Thank you so much for responding.  I think their are multiple specific examples on this thread, but I also think I can concisely represent the common complaint here...

Every single closed ticket generates an additional email with a survey request. Virtually all end-users see this as spam and dislike receiving them because they are sent on EVERY ticket.  Note some previous comments where the functionality has been completely disabled due to customer complaints.  Having them randomly or intermittently sent (every 10th ticket, 10% of the time, etc) would allow us to send surveys while not annoying our employees/customers.



It's great to hear that Zendesk are finally starting to listen to the feedback on this item.  I'm sure that there are already plenty of examples in this thread that the product management team can use to design a solution, but I'll add mine here too.

We currently gather customer feedback in Zendesk using the Customer Thermometer API.  That makes our case a little different in that we are not using the native satisfaction feature but the issue remains the same, and we'd switch to the Zendesk customer satisfaction tool, and pay for the NPS feature if the ability to randomise (such as x% of tickets solved that day) or set survey schedules (such as every nth ticket or x times per month/quarter/year).

The problem I have right now, which I am sure would exist whether I use Customer Thermometer or Zendesk satisfaction to gather feedback is that my response rate is below 15%.  This is due to customer survey fatigue, simply because they receive a survey for EVERY ticket and most customers just delete these emails.  A hard and fast group of customers always provide feedback, but they tend to be our happy customers and so the feedback I get is not representative of the overall customer base.

The impact on our business is three fold:

- I have limited information to input into our customer excellence programme

- I am on the back foot dealing with customer complaints and we find it difficult to predict customer satisfaction

- the customer satisfaction that we report from Zendesk is at odds with the results from our annual customer survey which tends to have a response rate of over 60%.  Apart from putting me in a difficult position of having to explain this discrepancy to the directors, it is also difficult to set objectives for agents and carry out reviews and performance management.

It is my belief that the response rate would be improved if I could control, and limit the number of times that customers are asked to provide feedback.  I’m at the stage where I am now looking at alternative tools for customer satisfaction, which is a shame because it means that I won’t have the data in Zendesk for reporting and tracking.  The customer satisfaction features in Zendesk were a big selling point for us, but the lack of flexibility is looking like a deal breaker.



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ZZ Graeme Carmichael

Community Moderator


I totally agree that it would be great to have some kind of sampling of tickets before sending out satisfaction notifications.

Presently, you can prevent specific customers and organisations being sent a survey for every ticket by modifying the automation conditions. Alternatively, you can use a trigger to offer the satisfaction rating when the ticket is solved and not send out a further notification. There are some examples here.


Exactly. Customer fatigue is the problem when you do not have a mechanism to control how often we send the surveys out. I believe 2 easy implementations could be achieved to fit most of our needs.

- A time based restriction. If a ticket is sent a satisfaction survey for a specific requester, then we show not send additional surveys for x amount of time. Lets say 5 days, but this should be configurable.

- A restriction based on every number of x tickets. In this example I might want every 5th ticket from a specific requester to get a survey. They would get the survey the first time but subsequent tickets until the 5th would be skipped.


Given the response rate on this, and the other issue that are linked but fragmented around, I feel this is one of the most important feature enhancements you can make to you product to improve the overall CX of your product. 


+1 on this as well. Nicole Reylea, in September you mentioned you were going to follow up with the Product team on this request, just curious if you heard anything back?


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