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Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation
Nicht geplant
Gepostet 22. Okt. 2009
Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.
Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address. This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.
Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.
518 Kommentare
James Ryan
I agree @Matthew Foval. It's absolutely ridiculous how long Zendesk has dragged their feet on this. 360 comments, almost 340 votes and 7+ years later.... and nothing.
Andrew J
I'm thinking there are several reasons this has not been done.
1) If the option is implemented as requested it can easily be used to avoid agent licenses. A bad business decision.
2) There is already a method that allows CCs to be done in a limited way (email target) - giving the functionality, but with enough manual input required to deter most abuse.
3) There is already a second method (adding CCs by target) that the advanced user can implement - with a downside that prevents widespread use/abuse (overwrites CCs rather than appending - though it may be possible to fix this)
4) There is a rethink of email functionality in progress - no point considering this change until it is in place - but I would doubt it will be added as an unlimited option.
The workaround in the original request is actually a perfectly functional option. And if anyone is going to create triggers for 1000 organisations, they may as well create 1000 targets too. Done and dusted.
Shawn Liner
Adding triggers does not work for us. In our organization, if a Middle School student submits a help desk ticket, we want to automatically CC one of the students' designated teachers. The reason we need to do that is NOT because we just want the teacher to see that "xyz" was occurring, but instead, we actually need the teacher to be able to correspond and to provide updates for us on the ticket. Without that ability it means not only that we have to add the CC ourselves, but also that we have to manually lookup each students' designated teacher before we can even add the CC manually. So there are two extra steps for us without this ability.
Not done and very dusty feature request here.
Kristen Mirenda
Hi @all -- I updated the official comment at the top of the thread. Please check it out!
Jeff Guyette
Thanks, Kristin! I appreciate the update and really look forward to additional updates from you regarding your teams progress on this as you resume your research into it.
Many others within this thread have mentioned that they suspected the reason Zendesk wasn't pursuing this feature might have to do with the use of the "Light agent" functionality. However, I don't see the two as directly linked. Having been subscribed to this thread for many years now, I've read the descriptions of desired use by countless administrators, and when taking those into consideration, along with our own needs, I think it's safe to say that the ability to auto-CC an end-user on an individual ticket is not really the same thing as providing someone Light Agent access.
Having been subscribed to this thread for many years now, I've read the descriptions of desired use by countless administrators, and when taking those into consideration, along with our own needs, I think it's safe to say that the ability to auto-CC an end-user on an individual ticket is not really the same thing as providing someone Light Agent access.
I sincerely hope that your team will come up with a simple and effective solution which will allow those many of us seeking this feature the ability to do what we are looking for, without the clunky workarounds, and without any intrusion to your agent licensing either.
Thanks again!
Andrew J
@Matthew - if triggers are not going to work for you, do you have an idea of what will? The most obvious implementation of this, and the most clearly requested, uses triggers.
Trigger/target will do what you are after using my previous point 3. We implemented a dynamic solution that reduced the triggers to only 1. Then one dynamic content and a trigger. Not 100% sure we completed it, but we had it operating.
Shawn Liner
@Andrew, I must not have read your previous point #3 very well the first time I read it.
Are you saying that Triggers can be set up to override CC's instead of appending them on a ticket? I was under the impression that Triggers would only send specific users a copy of the ticket instead of actually setting them as a CC on the ticket....if that is possible though, then you are correct in saying that it would be a decent work around for me to use Triggers.
It still wouldn't be perfect as you mentioned since it overrides instead of appending, but I would be okay with that if Zendesk is actively trying to come up with a more ideal feature.
Andrew J
Ok, so the simple one is here - it's based around removing ccs - but you can substitute and email in the blank space to replace them. Officially unsupported, but as long as it does not after other triggers you should be fine - we use it for removing CCs. For this you would need one target/trigger per recipient.
The more complex but possibly more helpful one is here - I'm not sure if I ever completed it - though I think the remnants are still in our helpdesk. What we were planning to do changed and we did not need this.
Krista Foisy
+1 - Having this capability, will make it easier to ensure that aren't missing a CC.
Greg Bakken
+1 from us as a service provider. we should not require agent licenses for our end-users to be able to add them as a cc recipient. the manual work for this action is unfortunately pretty painful
Laurence Kay
+1. Do we know when in 2018 this is coming?
We simply want all tickets logged by any member of a particular organisation to be CC'd to a specific account so that it generates an email to a distribution list. This should enable members of the organisation to reply to that email to update the ticket.
Paul Reeves
It's financially painful as well. We use CC to communicate to stakeholders per an SLA during escalations. WHEN an agent gets this wrong, it can cost us money and do real harm to a relationship. Now we have to rely on training and workarounds that all require an agent following a manual process to add the right people. Very lame.
Chris Ryan
I hope this feature gets launched more quickly.
Wes Shank
Do you have any idea of a beta timeline?
Wes Shank
Reading through the thread, I really don't understand the challenges. The concept of the auto CC as I read here is based on an organization. You have users assigned to an organization. On any given ticket, if I start typing in the CC field, I already get a pre-populated field there and I can add, presumably, as many people as I want. Give me an option similar to a favorites-star next to people's names in the organization to automatically add them to a ticket and, viola` - done.
I'm not trying to be snarky here, but I don't even understand what "the problem of scale presented by the end-users data set" means... How would the fact that I have 20 users in an organization and five of them "starred" to get CC'd be a deal-breaker? How is that any different than if I add them by hand every time - or if I used one of the kludges presented with triggers and custom fields?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Wes -
We have not been given a timeline for a Beta at this point, but we will update this thread whenever that becomes available.
Philippe Balogh
Next year this thread celebrates its 10th anniversary. What else should I say, apart from being very, very disappointed?
Nicole Saunders
Hey Philippe -
This development is in progress. It wasn't for many of the early years of this thread, but it is currently being developed.
Is there a release date for this feature?
Has anyone thought of a workaround for this item?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Yoram -
We don't typically provide release dates, but the latest update from product is available in the official comment at the top of the thread.
Jhoan Zabala
Wait for response.
Michael Ferri
Is there a target date for this? This is critical for our process if we want our customers to utilize Zendesk.
To be revised.
Wes Shank
I got an email from a company saying they could do this for me...?
Kristen Mirenda
Hi @all -- just wanted to let you know I've updated the official comment at the top of the thread. TL;DR we've taken a big step forward on the foundation to support this.
Aaron Wasserman
@Kristen - Thanks for the update. Perhaps it would be helpful to add a link to an article about how to use the notify target email?
+1, please keep us updated, and yes, an article would be very helpful
Andrew J
@Aaron/Sergio, what in particular were you wanting an article for? My comment on 27th Septmber has a couple of article links https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/203422496/comments/115005300908
Hi Andrew, I mean an article regarding how to use the nofity target email. Thanks
Andrew J
If you go to Gear Icon > Settings > Extensions > Add Target > Email target... it is simple to create one. Then you create a trigger with an action notifying that target.
I think that only works in a limited number of use cases (if you are always CCing the same person/s on an identifiable set of tickets)