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Feature request: Unmerge tickets due to GDPR

Gepostet 16. Jan. 2020

Hi Product team,


Not sure if there is already a feature request regarding this (it is not very easy to search in this overview), but lots of community members want the option to unmerge tickets, due to GDPR. I would like to refer to this thread for all the additional information.







46 Kommentare

This feature is also important to us. Any update on this request?


Any update for this?



Jan 3, 2023


I'd much rather have an UNDO BUTTON than "safeguards against accidental merges," although truthfully it already probably shouldn't be so dang easy to merge different user's tickets together, being that it's a massive privacy concern. Wow. How could this be so ignored for so long?

Just do the merge process, but in reverse! And when you do the merge process, don't destroy any data...just save it in case an undo is needed to happen.

We did not know about this limitation before purchasing and moving our entire support platform to Zendesk. This is something that very well could cause MASSIVE legal implications for both Zendesk and its clients...so please let us know when this issue will be resolved.

We need actual dates, not gross estimations, not a statement subject to change like the wind. Your customers need something concrete and real. You acknowledged this massive problem back in Aug '21 latest.

We're now going on 1.5 years and no forward progress. What gives? I thought you guys were the best of the best?


We're over a year and a half past the notification from the product manager on this. When is this feature going to be implemented?


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Preethi Thutika

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi All,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback. We hear you and we do clearly understand the concern around accidental tickets merges and the consequences. We are committed to addressing this incrementally and in a phased manner.

We are in the midst of rolling out a new warning message that prompts the user to validate their ticket merge selection if the system detects a mismatch across organization, brand, or requester fields. While detecting for potential risk, this also allows the user to reassess, reconsider, and go back to the merge selection step. We strongly believe this will reduce the risk of accidental merges.

While this is under way, we are continuing our efforts towards a more intuitive and enhanced ticket merge experience with granular controls built into the merge operation.

Thank you for your patience and your continued engagement.


Hi Gaurav P, is there an ETA for this feature to be released?


Probably after 10 years have passed?  What bothers me is the absolutely cavalier approach to a legal problem clients are facing.  Sending private information to others is breaking the law.  

ZenDesk is a US company and simply does not care about GDPR issues.  


The ability to unmerge tickets is critical now with GDPR being so prevalent and the inability to do this even as an admin feature shocks me.  This should be on the road map for release sooner rather than later and not ignored!


The ability to unmerge tickets would save a lot of time and manual effort. 


+1 - having hte ability to unmerge would be a great feature to have.


Guys, this is super important. We need to be able to un-merge tickets. Please.


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Jamie Noell

Zendesk Luminary

There seems to be a simple solution - rather than close the merged request, just set it to Solved.  Then, it's up to as the business to determine when to automate the solved to closed status.  An organization might even decide to extend the window when the closed_by_merge tag is present on the chance an “un-merge” is needed.


We disabled merge for 550 agents because there was no undo.  Instead, we used to use Myndbend's Lite app for a “merge” coupled with a trigger to solve.  However, they removed their Lite app in April, so we moved to Linkets app to ‘relate’ tickets; unfortunately, we have to manually solve one, but we need the ability to un-merge for when mistakes are made.


We cannot accept Zendesk's recommendation to create a follow-up ticket and start over because an incorrectly merged ticket could mean a data breach if you merged tickets from John Smith at Company A with Jon Smith at Company B.


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

I second Jamie Noell 's comment


We recently had a security incident where an agent bulk merged 100's of tickets but forgot to uncheck the checkbox that sent notifications. These were unrelated tickets and 100+cc's ended up getting notifications and we had to create new tickets for each to let them know about the issue. It would be better to undo, and communicate from there if this was to come up again (even better if we can restrict which tickets can be merged, setting default etc but that is another feedback post)


I too support Jamie Noell 's comment
This is the primary reason, especially in the EU, why we would NOT recommend  ZenDesk.

One of my clients lost a large number of customers for this reason.  


I support the request.


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