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Bulk Import Ticket Field Values
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Gepostet 13. Juli 2018
When setting up new ticket fields, it would be nice to have an easy way to bulk upload field values for things like drop-downs and multi-selects. I already have the data in an existing database so it's easy for me to export it into CSV, XLS or TXT.
Having the API is awesome for data that changes on a regular basis. But being able to import static information via the web interface with some sort of GUI based wizard would make this much easier on beginner level administrators.
41 Kommentare
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for the feedback, Bonnie. We'll be interested to hear whether this would be useful for other users as well.
Mathew Blanc
Hi Nicole,
I would definitely like to see this added. You can already download the field values as a .csv, it would be great to be able to re-upload that .csv after making the modifications I need to. Especially when dealing with large amounts of field values, editing in a spreadsheet is much easier than the current drag and drop interface.
Buckle & Seam Team
Hi Nicole,
1oo% relevant for us as well.
We have an ever expanding product portfilio and need precise information from customer requests.
Havind to adjust them every time is a pain and costs us valuable time and money.
Please let me know if this can be arranged.
Nicole Saunders
Hi It-Admin -
If this functionality is something that proves valuable for a significant number of users, the product team may take it under consideration. This is a fairly new request with few votes or comments, so I don't believe it's made it onto product's radar yet.
Bonnie Pohlschneider
I love Matthew's idea of being able to download, modify and then upload again. It is much simpler from a data entry standpoint to modify inside a spreadsheet versus a webpage. And for data that frequently changes, having a single point of entry and then importing it into the custom fields just makes more sense. Less chance for a data entry error that way as well.
Judd Higgins
Yes, please. I have 300+ Drop Down Ticket Fields to add to the system.
Bonnie Pohlschneider
I agree Judd. When we already have the data in a spreadsheet, there should be an easy way to import that into the system. Eliminates human error and makes our lives easier :)
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Just in case it helps.
When creating a new drop-down field, you should have the option to upload a CSV file of values and tags.
Once the field is created, this option is not available. Instead, you can download the field's values and tags.
Bonnie Pohlschneider
That's awesome Graeme! It definitely helps for the initial upload.
I realize that we'll end up going the route of the API for constantly changing data but that's a bummer for small companies who don't have developers on staff. We'll end up needing to hire a development firm to do this work for us.
Just wish there was an easy wizard driven interface that an entry level administrator could use and avoid the API's all together.
Beth Yoder
Our company got a quote from a third party recommended by Zendesk to upload a csv that would autopopulate some of our fields according to a key (for us, we want the agents to be able to type in a unit number and have the name/address/division etc populate. That quote was $35,000, so not realistic for us. I am a very amateur developer, but would like to take on this task if it can be done via the API. Has anyone ever attempted something like what I am describing? Thank you for any help you can provide!
Bonnie Pohlschneider
Our company is too small to house an internal development team and that price tag is outlandish for us as well Beth. We haven't broached the API subject but I'm also interested if anyone else has accomplished this.
We have a new use case where we need to routinely add/change roughly 200 location records (name, street address, etc). This data already lives in another piece of software and I'd love to eliminate the need to re-key something that another department is already doing.
Ruth Wilson
Great that the bulk import via CSV is available on first creation of a custom field, but would definitely be useful to be able to do this on existing fields.
I have 100+ options on a field, and have reviewed them with the business and now need to make changes. Having to do this manually is a pain in the behind
Please allow for this new feature. It doesn't make sense to not be able to update your Field Values in bulk after you've initially created it. It's extremely time consuming to do this one-by-one and not user friendly. Additionally, we're uploading new tags often.
Jimmy Flores
I agree you should be able to modify and reupload.
I have a drop down for Organizations.
I initially added 400 and now need to add another 500
Would be great if I could just modify and reupload rather than having to delete the entire field and replace it.
Avil Mascaren
Bulk import is available only during field creation
If it is there even after a field is created, then we can update the field with large number of drop down values
I am not asking for bulk update (refresh of value) - that will be wonderful to have
Having a Bulk add is also helpful to add 100+ field values
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Avil Mascarenhas - we have an app in the marketplace here to update dropdown ticket fields by CSV, perhaps it would meet your needs?
Jimmy Lin does that app allow to upload new dropdown ticket fields while keeping the existing values? I want to be able to add new accounts as we sign them.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Hi Sarah, that is indeed the purpose of this app. We noticed that users would have to delete a ticket field and create a new one in order to update the values, which is obviously a pain point, so with this app, it will keep the existing values and add the new ones, or it can also remove values that are no longer needed. As a note, when updating a field all the values that you want in the final version of the field must be included in the CSV. Hope this helps!
Laura Campbell
For anyone still looking for a solution to bulk update ticket field values from an external data source, we've recently released the app Elements Connect which could meet your needs.
The app works by querying your datasource (SQL database, Shopify...) to create a dataset that you use to populate your ticket field values. If you need to update field values, just re-sync the field. You can also set how tags are created to avoid manually managing them.
Jonathan Cavey
+1, I am looking for a way to have a dynamic drop down list that could be correlated with an outside database of information. For instance if we have a list of 'Current Codes' in another system, I would like a way that our drop down in Zendesk (Current Codes) could update daily with this information.
Laura Campbell
@... What kind of outside database are you using? MySQL? Oracle? Something else?
Alex M
Also requesting the feature to allow for importing of an excel with additional fields for an already existing ticket field. Doing updates to ticket fields with over 200 values is very time intensive where a simple excel document can take minutes to setup saving hours of work.
Also its 2022 and this submission is from 2018, can we get an update from Zendesk on what the status of this request is? If this product feature isn't on the road map than our company will have to look for alternatives work flows to this type of ticket field usage.
Matt Creveling
I agree with Alex M - it's ridiculous that you can't use this functionality on an existing field. I created the field with just a few values to get the form / functionality setup. Now my only option to bulk-upload drop-down options is to delete the field and create it again from scratch (and re-add it to any ticket forms using it)?
The "upload CSV" option needs to be available for EXISTING ticket fields. This seems more like a bug then a missing feature.
Jimmy Long
@alex m, Matt Creveling - you could check out the Ticket Field Importer App on the marketplace that will allow for updating existing fields. - https://www.zendesk.com/marketplace/apps/support/209164/ticket-field-importer/
Konstantin Annikov
One more vote for bulk editing of an existing field.
The paid plugin seems redundant for such a simple operation.
@... ZZ Graeme Carmichael seems it is popular, doesn't it? Maybe it's time to implement that?
Jorma Vaughn
Adding to this request @.... My team uses custom fields for a customer-facing supplies request form in our help center. On that form we have a dropdown that contains every product SKU we have in our inventory system (a few hundred entries). With the current implementation, we delete the existing field and replace it with a new field using the "Upload CSV" function every 2 weeks or so. This is extremely clunky and means that we lose traceability on ticket fields. We also use tags on those fields so we can report on the selections, but it means that in the Zendesk UI, any supply ticket older than ~2 weeks has blank entries in that form. The alternative would be combing through an extremely long list manually and updating/removing items one at a time which is prone to human error.
000000 Danjoint
I'm also in need of this functionality. As a software provider, when we release new product and functionality, we have to update existing fields to include this information for proper tracking of Support tickets. I'm sure Zendesk can relate to such a use case. ;)
Robert Vodak
This seems less a bug and more a blatant oversight despite the request being out here for almost five years at this point.
While I would love to have this feature, nay core function, enabled I don't see this coming to fruition as it seems that there is more of a push for a third party to develop one and sell it for a profit. One could realistically create their own but not all users of this product are adept at leveraging the API.
After five years as a feature request is it just realistic to forget about it?
Elsa Coughlin
I would really appreciate this being built out
I would really appreciate a feature like this being implemented.