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Preserve Group and Assignee for user-generated follow-up tickets


Gepostet 13. März 2012

Whenever a user writes back to a Closed ticket, a follow-up is created without Group or Assignee.

If the original ticket was assigned a Group or Assignee, i think those should be preserved in the follow-up. 

It would help keep track of the follow-up tickets better. (right now they are just lost in an "everything else" view) 



109 Kommentare

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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Collin - 

I am sorry for your frustration. We receive hundreds of feature requests every month, and have to constantly prioritize them. 

That being said, I have flagged this for the product team, and am hopeful that they'll let us know whether this is something under consideration for a future roadmap. 


We are having the same problem. We have so many users and groups and we are constantly growing - so it's not possble for us to create this many triggers and updating them constantly whenever we have a new agent onboard. So having a feature that would automatically assign a follow up tickets to the original assignee(group/agent) is neccessary in our work, to be able to deliver good customer service. We really hope this feature will be available soon :) 


I wonder how Zendesk guys solve this issue in their support.

The fact that a follow-up to a closed ticket doesn't preserve the initial group is mind-boggling.



+1 for this feature.

The URL target solution makes a lot of sense as a scalable solution, a shame it's not a "supported" approach.

I don't doubt there have been more important feature priorities over the past 6+ years but this is sort of table stakes here. The way this functions by default is just bound to be wrong for many more teams than it is correct.


We need this asap! We have 2 different operations (USA and Brazil). There are to many people to create 3 triggers by agent.

Please, consider this feature at the very soon future.


+1 for this feature.  We could really use this.  Way too many agents to build individual tags and triggers.


Another +1  here. 

We do not find the only currently available workaround (agent specific tags + trigger) viable.  This is due to volume of agents/triggers/tags as many folks have mentioned already, AND, because for us, we would want to reassign to the original group NOT the agent. It's a shame this hasn't been addressed in 6 years, as there is a clear desire from your customer base for a configurable solution!  


Another one here :(

Please help us, we have too many agents 


Ideally, I'd add to the feature request the ability, as an admin, to select what is preserved (e.g. besides Group and/or Assignee, a couple of cornerstone custom fields).


I was just googling to see how others have been addressing the issue and am stunned to see that it hasn't been built into the product in the 6yrs since this thread was created.

Adding my name into the hat of people who would like follow-up tickets to retain the group (if not assignee) or the original ticket.


This is something that has been an issue for us for awhile.  An update that would include this ability would be extremely welcome.  The level of effort to locate the previous group and assignee is high and teams could save a tremendous amount of work if this were possible.


+1 for this feature! A lot of follow up tickets come from tickets solved by our tier 2 agents who aren't always checking for new tickets. The follow up ticket contains a link to the previous issue and all the tags, why can't it bring up the old assignee?



+1 for this feature !! 

It seems to be the minimum required for follow up ticket 


Thanks !



The concept of the "follow up tickets" channel is in and of itself confusing and problematic.

It seems like it may have been some kind of shortcut to create an association between the closed ticket and the new ticket or just wasn't thought through completely. Why do these tickets have to be associated with a different channel altogether? I think that's really the source of the problem that is being discussed here.


I think the 2 questions need to be treated.



I am sure adding a 45th comment to this years-old thread will probably not make anything happen, but this functionality should have been available from the start.

It's patently ridiculous that a follow-up ticket inherits custom field responses but does not inherit anything related to assignment at all. If it's truly a follow-up on the original issue, there is a nearly 100% chance that the same group will handle it at the very least, and in many cases the same agent will be involved. How does it make any sense to not just inherit those properties?

The fact that there's an article on the Zendesk Help Desk explaining how to use a whopping three triggers per agent to set up this functionality means they know it's something people want and that it's not feasible to setup at scale. So why not add the functionality?

I will reiterate what others have said. We should have the option of automatically routing new follow-ups to the original group, with an additional option to route to the same agent if they are still active in the system.


+1 for this feature. 

Please, do you know when it will be done? I think it is necessary


Ticket is closed -> client responds...Seems pretty common practice for the person originally assigned to this ticket to be assigned to this new one and/ have or some easier way (without the need for multiple triggers per agent) to be notified.  At the every least..since it has a new ticket number , to have the same flexibility as other new tickets.


Nicole, thank you for bumping this with the Product Team.

I'm guessing the reason it's been shelved is the underlying technical design does not support it, and a significant rewrite would be required to add it.

ZD also does not support linking tickets (as siblings), which, presumably suffers from the same issue.

These are important features of a robust CRM system. If ZD wants to maintain market share, it will need to solve these problems.



A question for everyone out there: how do you identify a follow-up created from a closed Facebook or Twitter ticket?

Since we can't add a "Channel is Closed Ticket" condition (because in this case the channel is Facebook/Twitter), what element(s) allow(s) us to properly act on this kind of follow-up?


+1, this is very much needed. We have 150 agents, 9 countries, 90 groups. Routing is essential. 




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all,

Quick update here - this is an area of the product currently awaiting the arrival of a new product manager. I've added this to the list of threads for the new PM to review as soon as they start. It may be a little while before we can get back to you about this, but we are keeping it on the radar. Thank you for your comments and for your patience!


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Zendesk Luminary

+1000 - I very much agree with the above and I'm so surprised that the follow-ups do not inherit the previous tickets group and assignment by default. Like other people have mentioned already, with a high agent count creating 3 triggers per agent is just too much. Excited for the new PM and hopeful that this will be triaged soon!!!




We are also having so many issues without this feature as follow-ups just get lost .. Agents have their queues where they look for their daily work .. these tickets land nowhere as no rules are applied to them. Please add this!


+ 1

At least assignment to Group would ensure it is managed properly


Adding my vote to prioritizing this feature in Zendesk.   We just recently discovered we had 100's of tickets that were out in limbo that we weren't aware of because of this problem which leads of course to a terrible experience for our customers.      I hope that you will consider pulling this out of your backlog and prioritizing it soon!


@Melissa I hear you! The potential for tickets getting lost due to this product shortcoming is very real!

Two things I'm doing that could help you with this going forward:

1. Create a ticket field called something like "Requested Through" and create your own concept of ticket channel. This will allow you to always have a tag on the original ticket to help inform ticket routing for when the ticket is generated through the "Closed Ticket" channel. Since the follow up ticket inherits the tags of the originating ticket you can use a trigger to evaluate the tags on the follow up ticket to see where it came in through (if you have more than one support address routing to more than one group this will be particularly useful) and then you can route the follow up ticket the same way you routed the original ticket. You'll need a second "closed tickets" trigger for every support address or ticket channel but this will at least make sure that these follow up tickets get routed to a group.

2. Create a view to monitor for tickets that are requested through the closed tickets channel and have no group assigned. This will help you notice when you missed something in setting up step #1.


Adding my +1!

We have a very high volume of tickets, and follow-ups tend to get neglected due to this issue and creates a poor end-user (requester) experience.




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