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SLA Information on Solved/Closed tickets

Gepostet 20. Dez. 2021

It would be really useful to be able to see the status of the last active SLA on a Solved ticket, via a View.
All SLA info disappears once a ticket is solved so we can't quickly get a feeling of how successful we are hitting SLAs without digging into Explore.
We need to be able to quickly see if a Solved/Closed ticket met a Resolution SLA so we have the information to hand when speaking to customers 



3 Kommentare

This is a great question and our team has the same problem. It's so easy to see the SLA measures on a ticket that is still open, is there any solution to quickly seeing the SLA metrics and if we have hit or breached them after a ticket is solved or closed, without using a view or explore? 


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to check and see if you have installed our SLA Event Tracker app? This shows the raw data about SLAs on a ticket, and will allow you to more easily access the data you need.


This is super helpful Scott Allison, I didn't know about this app. I've installed it and it's providing the exact data I was looking for. Thank you!


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