Show ticket title in tab, not requester name
Gepostet 02. März 2022
Feature Request Summary:
The new agent workspace uses the requester's name in the tab for that particular ticket. This is a change from the old version that used the ticket title. Having the title versus the requester's name is WAY more helpful and I would like to ability to revert that back or choose what detail is displayed in the ticket tab
Description/Use Cases:
We sometimes have multiple tickets from the same requester, which causes an obvious issue with this new setup. Or, we simply don't have the brain power to memorize what issue each specific request is having. Making use of the ticket tabs, which is a great feature in itself, would be way more effective if the change was reverted back so that the ticket title was displayed in the tab.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
This change renders the formerly very effective ticket tab functionality way less useful. Slows down our agents, leads to more confusion than the old version did, and just seems like a step in the wrong direction.
68 Kommentare
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for sharing this feedback, Ethan, and for using the template. If other users have needs similar to Ethan's, please up-vote his post and add any additional details in the comments below.
Nick S
+1 on Ethans comment - when having multiple tickets open the preview is best suited to show the Subject rather than the Requester Name. Especially when there may be instances when managing many different tickets from the same requester.
Jonathan Ruh
+1 on Ethans comment - when having multiple tickets open the preview is best suited to show the Subject rather than the Requester Name. Especially when there may be instances when managing many different tickets from the same requester.
Kyle Pinkley
Agreed, this is one thing we had to get accustom to when switching to the New Agent Workspace last year and would love the old behavior back.
Mathias Lakshøj-Hansen
This is one of the reasons we still use legacy, so it would be very much appriciated if this could be reverted to showing subject or the possibility of deciding what the tab shows via Admin settings.
Rory Ashford-Bentley
I support this 100% Ethan is absolutely right. Since rolling out the new update this feature has caused lots of complaints within our team. At any given time we can have multiple tickets from a single sender which creates a rather frustrating user experience.
The biggest frustration is that for a few seconds the tab title is the ticket subject and then it changes to the sender name so our team can see that the data is there but then is removed and as an Admin I dont have any tools to turn the feature off.
Anthony Severo
I just started at a new organization that has the new Agent Workspace enabled and find ticket number to be more confusing to view vs subject line.
Ideally we could customize the ticket tab however we'd like (ideally I could set this up to show ticket requester and subject line), but in general I feel the subject line would be a more helpful identifier vs the requester name.
Dave Dyson
Ethan Smith
Hi @... and @...,
can you please shed any light on potential implementation of this feature (changing back to the old format)? If it doesn't sound like this change is being prioritized right now, can you please explain what user feedback and user perspective was used when deciding that using requester names was actually better than ticket titles? If this isn't going to be changed back for the time being, I'd like to at least understand why it was changed from title to requester in the first place.
Nick Vincent-Maloney
I am always flabbergasted at the inane changes ZD seems to make despite all these comments and concerns. Changing to the requester in the ticket tab is utterly silly and I just can't imagine why ZD would do that. I agree with Ethan, can someone at ZD share the process by which this change was made? Was it user feedback? I sure as heck didn't ask for this.If such a change is made, maintaining a way to change it back seems so obvious.
In fact, almost every change I do ask for is never implemented and all the huge changes that are made, I never asked for. I guess our use cases are just wonky compared to everyone else???
Ethan Smith
@... or @...
Any update from zendesk on this? If there are no plans to revert this change (or at least give users the choice), can you please provide any bit of rationale as to how or why names are better than ticket titles? Or, if you're still trying to figure out how to address this, please just let us know that you don't have any real update at this time, but something is better than nothing at this point. The names in place of titles continue to be a hurdle more than anything for our teams working in Zendesk
Neal Shmidman
+1 Ethan Smith For B2B w/ multiple tickets the requester name is not helpful on the ticket tab. Even the org would be better...
Kristi Adams
+1 100% agree we need the ticket subject back in the tab title
John Farthing
I registered an account just to note that this change makes managing ticket tabs much more difficult. Changing default behavior without a way to revert is a terrible idea. Please give us a way to put back the useful tab titles.
Erik Cerbulis
When dealing with multiple issues simultaneously, it is easier to remember the issue (ticket title), not the person. Trying to have to correlate a name to an issue slows down our workflow. I would definitely like to see this changed or at the very least, let us decide if we (organization) would like to see the name versus the ticket title.
Krista Renz
Just switched over to workspace and this is the first thing everyone noticed. This needs to be changed back to ticket title and not requester. A lot of our customers are frequent fliers and have multiple tickets.
Travis Sexton
This is an issue that we need resolved. If the requester or anyone on a CC has replied to a ticket we already have the correct name to address someone as. The ticket title is the context to their issue and when using this as a support tool the Context is key.
Please look to implement this ASAP.
This is one of the primary reasons we are still on Legacy version and have not upgraded to the Agent Workspace. We have multiple different issues opened by a single partner/client and need the Title to differentiate.
Travis Sexton
I have also noticed the tabs no longer provide the Ticket # if there has been a call. Can this be changed back? There won't be very many use cases where I need to know that the call has ended in the tab. It is more important to see the Ticket #. Should this be a new Feature request? or is this a bug?
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for sharing your feedback, everyone.
admin Dave and I are both community managers here at Zendesk. We facilitate and moderate the conversations that happen in the forums, among other things. But we aren't product managers, and we do not have insight into the thinking behind these or any product changes, nor do we have any say over the product roadmap. What we will do is make sure that the right product managers are aware of the comments in this thread, and ask that they respond.
To set expectations, our product teams plan their roadmaps in 9-month cycles, so it typically takes several months from the time that a feature request is posted in the community to the time that a product manager can review it, evaluate it, and comment on whether it's something they can or will implement in the near future. Every now and then, things happen to move faster, are already being worked on, or something is, in fact, a bug, and gets a more urgent fix. I can't speak to whether the feedback in this thread falls into that category. But as I said, we'll check in with the folks that can say more and hopefully they'll be able to get back to us soon.
Ryan Smith
Thanks for the update. Will be anxious to hear that this is at least in the roadmap to be changed back or give us the option of which we want to see.
Jordi Casas
+1. Please, go back to how it used to work, or allow the user to customize this behavior.
Andy Michaud
Please Please Please give us the option to change back the tabs to the title instead of the name of the requestor. It is making things take much more difficult than it needs to be.
Alyssa Torregroza
I also registered an account just to be able to upvote this post. It is incredibly frustrating that this change was made without a way to choose what is displayed in the ticket tab or to simply keep the old format. We recently changed to the new workspace and this is easily one of the hardest "features" to get used to, it makes something that was available at first glance now take seconds or action (hovering and waiting, or clicking into the tab).
Joey Liew
+1 Having the requester name on the tab is so impractical. I can open multiple tickets from the same requester and seeing all the same on the tab title. Please revert back to using ticket title.
Nick Vincent-Maloney
It's almost as if ZD didn't even think this through with proper testing and UI/UX specialists. How is that possible? Well, I say it's that ZD has lost sight of its core values. When I started using ZD over 8 years ago, I felt liked they cared about me and my use-cases. Nowadays, no luck... I'm just another subscription they milk for profits.
Nathan Curry
+1 on this feature.
In addition to multiple tickets from the same requester, we have tickets opened by account people on either side, or passed off to another engineer once the issue is triaged. Showing the name of someone who touched the ticket once makes no sense for us.
Joe Crean
+1 too confusing when you have many tickets per requester.. same name in all the tabs.. bad UX
Jeremy Chapin
+1! Thank you Ethan! Ticket subject was always extremely helpful, Requester is not. We get multiple requests from the same people.
In all honesty, whoever designed the new Workspace just flipped the comments upside down and made existing features (ticket tabs, Public/Private reply) behave worse than before. It's like someone wanted to justify their Product Manager title, so they made unwanted changes just for the sake of changing things. Why did you mess with success?
Legacy Mutual Mortgage
Agree with everyone here. How can ZD justify a change like this when so many customers disagree that it's a better practice? There must be ONE high-paying customer that ZD goes to for feedback, and if it fits their model, it gets implemented. If not, it doesn't. Typical.