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Suggestion: Ticket Metrics improvements

Gepostet 10. März 2022

As mentioned in my comment here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4408868005530/comments/4450959974426 

Our customers pull data for thousands of tickets a day and require the solved_at and assigned_at values for each one. Retrieving these metrics for each ticket is resulting in issues with rate limiting. It would be very helpful for us to see these values included in the ticket list endpoint data or for us to have the ability to query ticket_metrics by date range.



5 Kommentare

This is causing issue for me as well.


Hi - also struggling with this issue.

Is there any other solution for fetching a large (tens of thousands) number of tickets and their associated solved_at or assigned_at dates?


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

Nicholas Walsh Thanks for submitting this request! Your feedback is super helpful. Can you clarify if this is still a concern of yours? You may find that using cursor based pagination is an improvement on offset based pagination which used to be the only option with the List Ticket Metrics endpoint. If this is still an issue for you, can you provide a little more detail on what your use case is and how we could help?


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

James Marvin Thanks for your feedback, it's much appreciated. If you haven't already seen it, this reference guide may have the answer you need. If not, reply here and provide some more info about your needs.


@Scott - We are trying to calculate some metrics using the Zendesk Ticket API. However, like the OP, the only timestamps on the ticket seem to be created and updated. We need to know when the ticket was resolved/closed, yet I don't see how we can identify that easily from the standard /tickets endpoint?

Any ideas/thoughts?


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