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New Agent Workspace

Gepostet 22. Sept. 2022

I know this is not new news to Zendesk, but given how poor this new interface is, I thought I might start a new topic to agree with others on how many steps backward you (Zendesk) have taken by enforcing this new Agent Workspace. The layout changes and workflow make absolutely no sense in the day-to-day use of Zendesk Support. Many of the more helpful features that teams such as mine have come to rely on were either changed entirely or relocated to areas that are non-sensical. For example, relocating new responses to the bottom of the thread is not only almost antithetical to standard email traffic, but the formatting has also caused multiple issues with being able to actually find the most recent response from requesters. Another example is relocating the requester user data a) to the other side of the panel and b) reformatting it so that it is no longer editable directly from the current ticket. These are two of the many items causing disruption to workflows that agents have created to maximize efficiency and client satisfaction.

We are in tech and are very open to advancements and the evolution of our software and services. But amongst my entire team, there has not been a single positive feature mentioned or highlighted following this change. This should be optional for those that find it innovative in some way, and in no world should it have been enforced on the user base.



12 Kommentare

Totally agree. This has made workflow much more inefficient for exactly the reasons stated. Surely there is a way to allow us to either go back or adjust some of the finer points of this.

Surely we can't be the only ones with these issues.


Several weeks in and we are still struggling with accepting so many of these changes.


Karim Schlegel Indeed we are. I believe this will continue until Zendesk acknowledges the community's frustration and begins to address it. From all of the articles I've poured over, their stance seems to be "it is what it is", which is a massive disservice to the substantial user base that was left with no choice in these changes; some of which seemingly geared towards reducing the effectiveness of day-to-day desktop based support specialists.


They won't acknowledge it until they are forced to, the money is still coming in. 

It's a shame, but just like the rest of these support topics, they won't reply or if they do it will be a macro. At least that is what it appears on all the other topics of this nature. I mean, just browse through this sub-forum of topics and you will see that unless it's something easily answerable they just avoid it.

Unfortunately, I had to resort to building my own interface with their API because they did a poor job at it.



Austin Meier you selling that interface?


Austin Meier You're probably right on that, unfortunately. I think your comment should serve ominous notice to how severely Zendesk has negatively impacted their user base. This means that you are actively paying them not to use their native interface but have been forced to build your own, leveraging only their API-accessible items to preserve efficiency. My team continues to stumble on new things daily that have reduced their ability to provide for our clients as quickly and efficiently as we previously had.



Andy Zapata Jason Pulley I had made a response with some more information about ZenDesk and their recent buyout to go back private and my thoughts behind their reasons for this based on their last public earnings call, but they must have not liked the feedback and removed the comment. 


You can see other performance related concerns on this thread. https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409217457178-New-UI-Performance-Issues 


Austin Meier Not surprised. I saw the comment before it was removed.


Brett Bowser @... @...

Do you possibly have any explanation as to why the feedback portal does not accept feedback? I don't quite understand the purpose of the portal if it is a highly regulated area where people cannot provide honest feedback nor receive any response from the company. 

Is there a place I can reach out to for media inquiries? I mean other clients are even noticing this. Is this moderation to help the buyout to go through without issue since the original buyout for $127 per share was rejected by the board stating that it "undervalued ZenDesk" yet agreed to sell for $77.50 a share. Is there fear that it may decrease further? 

I really would just like clarification as to the end-goal of this product. I used to thoroughly enjoy it yet now I am being silenced for giving feedback. 


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JJ Miclat

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey everyone,

We appreciate your feedback on this topic and would love to hear more directly from you live. Please join us on Thursday, April 25th at 9 AM PDT for our PM Roundtable.

It'll be an open discussion on what is and isn't working with the recent UI changes regarding Agent Workspace. The product team would also like feedback on enhancements they plan on making in Agent Workspace, so we can design the experience tailored to your CX needs.

The link to register can be found here, we'd love to see you all there.



Hey JJ Miclat,

Will there be another open discussion before the change in October? Or is it possible, to push that change until next year? My agents are having a really hard time with the new layout and it's affecting their workflow. The biggest pain points are the following:

- Not allowing custom user fields or adding the description box to the essential card.

-You cant write something in internal and then switch to public and keep working on it, you have to start over or go back to the internal view and copy and paste that over.

- New responses  appearing at the bottom of the thread makes it more confusing to respond.

- When the agents copy and paste information from other websites, a box appears and it links the website. So, agents have to spend time removing the hyperlink and deleting the box. 


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