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Gepostet 30. Dez. 2022
Are we able to place a caller on hold and make an outbound call then come back to the initial caller?
Vor Kurzem aufgerufene Suchen
Keine vor kurzem aufgerufene Suchen
Gepostet 30. Dez. 2022
Are we able to place a caller on hold and make an outbound call then come back to the initial caller?
1 Kommentar
Carl McDowell
While on Hold you aren't able to make a new outbound call, with a new ticket.
But you can use the transfer option while on hold, to make an outbound call. This lets you talk with this person (this is not recorded), and then when you are finished talking with that user you can cancel the transfer.
We have more details on this article about call transfers: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408838843546-Transferring-calls