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Please STOP making unnecessary changes to UI

Nicht geplant

Gepostet 27. März 2023

Dear Zendesk team,


please STOP making unnecessary 'enhancements' to ticketing system UI. If you continue making such changes, at least leave an option to customize the UI so we can use things as we're used to. I'm using Zendesk for more than 10 years and this is becoming nonsense. You passed the 100% functionality of Zendesk ticketing system UI already, it's becoming less and less productive with all these changes. Have you ever heard about the saying - if it isn't broken, don't fix it?


It is not a problem whether I like the change or not, it's the way they're delivered without any prior head up to customers and also WHAT is delivered.


Latest change where you replaced page numbers with 'First Prev Next Last' links is totally useless! For control purposes we have ticket views with over 1000 tickets in them! What are we supposed to do now? Click 50 times to get to the page we need?


Please just STOP making irrelevant changes. Focus on things like performance of the product rather than fixing eye candy things that are no problem to anyone. Also, please have in mind that not everyone is using tablets or smartphones to work on tickets. There are engineers and customer support agents who are using COMPUTERS with big screens and we surely make use of these big screens and can click on anything we want.






11 Kommentare


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Salvador Vazquez

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Damir, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.

We wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to building this feature. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.

At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “not planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.


I totally agree with Damir!


Agreed. I really miss the page numbers. With 20-30 pages the click next through to find tickets, it's very difficult to find tickets at times. 


+1. What possible reason could exist for removing such a simple feature? First the preview button and now this, it's like Zendesk is determined to make our jobs harder.


Sometimes, I wonder whether Zendesk support agents are happy with all the changes? Perhaps they don't have to use Zendesk themselves? ;-)

Have there been any usability tests at all?



This change is extremely poor.

Please revert this change as this adds time to searching tickets.


Totally agree. My beef right now is the change to ticket subjects in the tabs instead of requesters' names. I know that a lot of people asked to have subjects on the tabs, but I've been looking at names for years, and all of a sudden it changed. I used to know my customers by name, and now I am just seeing words that don't connect me with the people. We have forms that intentionally use the same subject line....so if I have more than one of those open, I have no idea which tab is which.

I understand that some people want things one way, and some people want it another way. Everyone is different and different business models have different needs. But to just make arbitrary changes without considering the use case of all the people who like it the way it is...that's just not right. 

Things that change the workflow should be OPTIONAL. There should be settings so we can choose how to display our own UI. 

This is so frustrating.

And an extra thumbs up on two points Damir made:

- Are support agents really doing that much support on phones? I think a lot of us use big computer screens. Support should not be optimized for small screens....but if it must be, then give us OPTIONS.

- Please focus on performance! I am often frustrated by updating a ticket, then seeing a message that it didn't update because a change was being made. When editing a user's account, I have to wait several seconds after each change. The system should work faster than I can type, not slower.


Just noticed that when I do a search where I get several pages of results - guess what. Pages are unumerated! :)


@Zendesk Product Team, just cut this nonsense and get back page numbers at the bottom. As you can see, there is a bunch of paying customers who need this. Nobody needs that cassette tape thing with prev/rev/ffd/etc...


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey everyone,
Appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us and apologies for any frustration this has caused on your end. Regarding the changes to page numbers in views, please check out Salvadors recent comment here: Announcing changes to views pagination and sorting user profile pages
We will continue to monitor that article for any additional feedback you share with us around the recent view changes. 


Brett Bowser During my brief read-through of that article, I've seen nothing but negative feedback surrounding this change from when it was first announced nearly a year ago through today. What is the point of "monitoring that article for any additional feedback" when (almost) a year's worth of feedback has already been seemingly ignored in its entirety? I mean, this comment alone pretty much sums things up...


This is not about the page numbers anymore. This is about degrading product's functionality! STOP reinventing the wheel, absolutely no customers asked you to do what you have done. In the future, give us a poll so we can vote what we would like to see and what we wouldn't. Stop inventing jobs for yourselves and start caring about customers!


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