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How often are macros used?

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Madison Hoffman

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Jul 26, 2023




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Andrei Kamarouski

Community ModeratorThe Wise One - 2021

Hi all, 
Take a look at the advanced Macros Reporting app to get a powerful macro usage analytics tool. 


Might want to mention that sorting macros "by usage" is not available unless you are on a Professional or Enterprise plan...

see Sorting the list of macros



The output JSON format from the page listed doesn't appear to include Usage information. What is the endpoint for accessing this information via the API?



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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Willie,
The same endpoint will return the usage info via sideload.  So for example, https://{subdomain},usage_24h will list macros along with their last hour and last 24 hour usage.


Olá, boa tarde!

Percebi que não ficou claro se há uma maneira de contabilizar o uso das macros por operador, mês, dia, hora e ano. No entanto, ficou evidente que é necessário o uso de tags para esse fim. Gostaria de esclarecer se é possível contabilizar isso e exportar essa medição por meio de relatórios. É importante destacar que a tag precisa ser contabilizada apenas quando a macro for adicionada e enviada para o cliente. Dessa forma, evitamos contabilizações indevidas por cliques repetidos. Em resumo, é possível extrair essa medição com todos os critérios em um relatório abrangente?

Agradeço pela sua atenção e aguardo orientações.


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Meu questionamento não foi respondido, preciso de uma solução.


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I noticed using this that once you search for a macro using the search feature, it will default to data the last 7 days even if you chose to see usage for the last 30 days. It would be great if the last 30 days selection remained when searching for a specific macro. 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Heather,
Thank you for raising this concern. We encourage you to create a new post in the General Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.


Is there a way to list via the API, the tickets that the Macro specified was used for?  The Current “include” shows the QUANTITY but not the actual ticket list.


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