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What is the difference between the solved tickets and tickets solved metrics?

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Elissa Tikalsky

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Feb 28, 2023




Hello Elissa, 

Similar to Rodger's question, I am trying to find the best way to quantify the amount of work done by an agent during a given date range.  I am using the tickets solved metric but in reading your article, I'm not sure it will give me the true number of ticket solved events.

For example, if a ticket is solved multiple times by multiple assignees, would the solved ticket metric only use the most current solved date? If a ticket is solved on Monday by Assignee A, reopened and solved again on Tuesday by Assignee B, reopened and solved again on Friday by Assignee C, would the solved ticket event only show on Friday by Assignee C? If I pull a report on Saturday, Is there a way to get all solved Ticket events for single/unique Ticket? Thanks!

  • Ticket 123 - Solved Monday - Assignee A
  • Ticket 123 - Solved Tuesday - Assignee B
  • Ticket 123 - Solved Friday - Assignee C
  • If I pull on Saturday, Total Ticket Solve events for Ticket 123 should = 3


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Christopher Stock

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi @..., if you use the 'Tickets solved' metric within the Ticket Updates dataset you should be able to see what you need. A ticket that's been updated to 'solved' on three separate occasions would show a 3 for that metric.


I am currently using the Tickets Solved metric in the Ticket Updates dataset and have come across a discrepancy that I don't quite understand.
I'm using the metric to create a day-by-day query to show Tickets Created vs Solved throughout the week.

As you can see, the two Solved values don't match.
(The Solved figure under today is using the Solved Tickets metric in the Tickets dataset).

I have narrowed it down to the following scenario:
If an agent creates a new ticket and sets the status directly to solved, it is not being counted in the Tickets Solved metric.
From what I can see, the only reason why it is not being included is because there is a 1 second difference between [Update - Timestamp] and [Ticket Solved - Timestamp]

How can I fix this to ensure there are no variances?


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Michael,

We've encountered similar cases before where the recorded timestamps of the update and for the last solved date differ by 1 or 2 seconds. You're right, this is the reason why these tickets are not being counted by the metric Tickets solved. A fix that we can recommend for this is to use a custom metric instead of the native Tickets solved metric. You can use this formula:

IF ([Changes - Field name]="status" AND [Changes - Previous value]!="solved"
AND ([Changes - New value]="solved" OR [Changes - New value]="closed")
AND ([Ticket status - Unsorted] = "Solved" OR [Ticket status - Unsorted] = "Closed")
AND ([Update - Timestamp]=[Ticket solved - Timestamp]
OR DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Update - Timestamp])=DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Ticket solved - Timestamp])+1
OR DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Update - Timestamp])+1=DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Ticket solved - Timestamp])
OR DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Update - Timestamp])=DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Ticket solved - Timestamp])+2
OR DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Update - Timestamp])+2=DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Ticket solved - Timestamp])))
THEN [Update ID]

This formula should account for instances where there's a 1- or 2-second discrepancy between Update - Timestamp and Ticket solved - Timestamp.


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

This is a really helpful formula, @.... I just bumped into a few cases where the formula doesn't apply because both 'previous' and 'new' values are weirdly showing up as 'solved'.

Would you know why this happens? The previous value on that update should show 'open'.

Just for reference, I managed to obtain an exact match between the Tickets dataset (Solved tickets calculated based on Solved dates) and the Updates history dataset by using the following standard calculated metric:

IF [Changes - Field name]="status" 
AND [Changes - Previous value] != "closed"
AND ([Changes - New value]="solved" OR [Changes - New value]="closed")
AND ([Ticket status - Unsorted] = "Solved" OR [Ticket status - Unsorted] = "Closed")
AND ([Update - Timestamp]=[Ticket solved - Timestamp]
OR ABS(DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Update - Timestamp])-DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([Ticket solved - Timestamp]) ) < 5)
THEN [Update ID] 

With this I can now accurately see resolutions above 100%, which was the expected result.



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Judy Correia

Zendesk Luminary

Naming conventions in Zendesk Explore are not intuitive at all. Would a simpler solution to help users understand metrics be to make the name unique or more specific? Better descriptions are needed to make reporting leveraging Zendesk easier and more efficient. As an example Tickets Solved and Solved Tickets, it is not intuitive at all that these mean two different things even for native English speakers. Something like Current Status - Solved and Number of Times Solved, while maybe overly verbose provide more clarity. Confusion over the similarity in names and significant differences in results causes us to not trust Zendesk reporting. 


Agree with Judy's comment above. On top of the naming convention being confusing and instilling distrust, I am ending up browsing comment sections like these to find answers to my questions about how a given metric actually works - because they are not even described in well enough detail in Zendesk articles.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Hannah,
I believe the reason behind that is because you are using "Updater name" attribute where it counts tickets solved by the updater (agent). I wonder if you could use "assignee name" instead to count the solved tickets via trigger to achieve your goal in this report. 🙂 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Hannah,
That's good to hear! Custom reporting can indeed be challenging since I'm not able to see the whole context, and it's not uncommon to use various datasets for different aspects. If you feel the current solution is too complex, consider reaching out to the ZD support team for alternative options or optimizations. It's important to find a balance between the level of detail needed in your report and the complexity of the setup. If the current solution works for you, that's fantastic! If not, discussing it further with our support team could provide simpler insights or suggestions.


I've just been notified by Zendesk Support that Christopher Stock's comment above is incorrect. Ticket Solved will either return 1 or 0 for a ticket, it will NOT show each time the ticket has been solved, but will show the latest Solve only. 


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