Until the target is due, why do tickets with SLA targets in business hours show a higher number of hours than what the metrics should have set? Can I have SLA targets displayed using business hours?
SLA time targets are always displayed in calendar hours. This is done for agents to identify which tickets have a higher priority in real-time.
For example, the tickets below arrive during the middle of the weekend, and your business hours are defined from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
- Ticket A has an SLA target that's due in 18 business hours.
- Ticket B has an SLA target that's due in 72 calendar hours.
The ticket view shows due time in a way that the target due sooner will receive higher attention, with the remaining time using the same type of hours.
For additional information about how SLAs work, see the article: Defining and using SLA policies.