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Team Members Page

Not Planned

Posted Sep 28, 2021

I like it! It would be nice if a filter can be applied if the agent is a Light Agent or Agent (agent meaning full licensed agent). We allow users to have a light agent license and they can login or not. Just having the last login and not identifying if they are a light agent or not does not help. I still have to figure out if they are a light agent and the only way to do that is to go to the role and see if they are in the list. Can we get something that identifies light agent from regular agent?




Agreed. We should be able to see their role (light, support, or any custom role) on the team members page. We have a lot more information available at a glance on the old team members page. I like this layout better (table and columns) vs the old layout, but we need to see the same information as before.


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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for your feedback Carmelo Rigatuso

We're working on adding product role and other information from the old table. That will happen before we make the new Team members page the default experience.

Hopefully product role in the next few weeks.

In the medium term we plan to make the columns customisable so you can choose which columns to display and pick from all team member attributes.


Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager



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