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Filtering by "Unknown user"
Posted Sep 23, 2021
After an agent gets deactivated, all articles they authored or own list them as "Unknown user" in the article settings. Since those articles can no longer be filtered by Author or Owner at that point, this makes the process of finding content that needs to be reassigned to another owner very manual.
I'd like to request that an "Unknown user" option be added to the Author and Owner filters, so that it's easy to regularly check for content that needs to be reassigned to another agent.
Dave Dyson
Hi Andrey,
Instead of removing agents entirely, we recommend downgrading them to end-user status and then suspending their access. By doing this, their name should be preserved on tickets, articles, etc.. See Best practices for removing agents
Andrey Bobrovskiy
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the reply. We actually already follow this process today. I looked up one particular agent whose account has been recently downgraded and then suspended, and I do still see their name on past tickets and the front end of the article. However, they are listed as "Unknown user" under the Author field in that article's settings and their name no longer appears in the filters.
Dave Dyson
Thanks for clarifying, Andrey! I see what you're saying now.
Mark Rickard
Are unknown users considered null values now? That seems like a bug to me.
I am new in this forum. I have some questions about this forum. These questions are shown below😉 😉 :
If you have information about this. Please tell us below. I am very confused about that😥😥.
Dave Dyson