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FCR calculation
Posted Sep 22, 2021
My FCR calculation formula is as below
Total Solved Tickets without user repeat visiting / Total Solved Tickets.
How to define Repeat Visiting?
E.g, user created one ticket then agent replied with query of more information, and user visited in next day to update information, then agent replied with solution and solve it and close it.
Is there any function in ZD to define this kind of tickets?
I tried like below, but it does not work.
([Changes - Field name]="status"
AND [Changes - Previous value]!="solved"
AND ([Changes - New value]="solved" OR [Changes - New value]="closed")
AND ([Ticket status - Unsorted] = "Solved" OR [Ticket status - Unsorted] = "Closed")
and ([Comment present] = TRUE AND [Updater role] = "End-user")
THEN [Ticket ID]
Can someone help me?
Gab Guinto
Hi Qin,
The closest workaround that I can think of is to reference the default metrics End-user comments and Agent comments in your formula. Based on your sample scenario, the ticket should have two end-user comments and two agent comments before it's solved out. If these are the tickets that you need to report on, then you can use this line in your formula instead:
Sandro Olivieri
Zendesk published an interesting article about the First Contact Resolution (FCR).
How can I evaluate it in Zendesk Explore?
Gabriel Manlapig
It sounds like your definition of first contact resolution matches how the default One-touch tickets is defined in Explore (see How are one-touch resolutions calculated?).
The prebuilt Support dashboard actually has a widget that shows the percentage of one-touch tickets.
This query uses the native % One-touch tickets metric.
And this is the formula of the FCR = Total number of one-touch tickets / Total number of ticket received
You should be able to use these one-touch metrics when working with the Tickets dataset, and add the queries to your custom dashboard. I hope that helps!