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Show tickets not updated for the last month - Explorer


Posted Jun 01, 2021

I am trying to create a query in which:

- show me those tickets that are open and there has been no update in the last 3-4 weeks.

I am trying to apply a date filter, to exclude them, but it only shows me those that have had updates.

Does anyone know how to create it?




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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

@... Taking a look at my own Zendesk instance, I think this recipe might work for you.

Dataset: Ticket Updates
Metric: I created a Standard Calculated Metric called Count(Tickets) to mimic the Tickets metric in the Tickets dataset. The formula for this metric is simply [Ticket ID] 

Ticket Status is Open
Ticket Updated - Date - I selected the Advanced Options to adjust this date filter as follows:


Hi @...

Many thanks for your help on this! it works perfectly :) 


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