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7-days average
Posted May 28, 2021
Making a chart with date in X axys with the number of tickets may be not really relevant as somedays you have less more tickets (sunday for example) and so it's difficult to see clearly a trend.
The trend with the pandemic and figures related is the 7 day average, for example on Google :
I am trying to do that on Explore (for each day compute an average on the last 7 days) but I did not find a way to do it (don't know if it is possible).
Does someone succeed to do a such metric ?
Le blagueur masqué
No reply from Zendesk ? Regarding customer support, far from being acceptable..
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Unfortunately, I do not believe this is possible in Explore.
Eric Gao
Hi Thibault,
We can confirm on Graeme's comment that there's not a native function in Explore for mapping out a rolling average (e.g. 7 days) as a trendline on queries. We do recommend checking out Date Calculated Metrics, which allows you to create totals for a specified period of time:
For example, you can create a metric that returns the AVG of tickets created over the past 7 days. Note that this will be a single, discrete value rather than a continuous trend as shown in your screenshot.
Eric G. Gao | Technical Support Architect | Zendesk
Julien Driscoll
I export Zendesk data to another tool called Acho and write a SQL query to calculate 7-day moving average. Maybe you can try some BI tools to analyze it. I know many BI tools can support SQL queries.
(The tool I used in this query is called Acho Studio)