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List Reporting


Posted May 19, 2021

Hello Zendesk!

I have been struggling for weeks trying to see if I can create a report list on the non-solved tickets. For instance, I want to print a CSV or PDF with all pending tickets to include private/public comments so I can send it to leadership for follow up. I want to be able to print them w/ details so they can walk around with it (old school style).

When looking at explore everything is numeric and im looking at details.

Reporting is really important to us and graphs and numbers isn't just enough. 

I look forward to someone's response. Thank you. 




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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Hi Melissa Frechette! Thanks for giving so much detail about your situation. I have an alternate solution for this. You may want to check out the free version of the Advanced Search app from Zendesk. I love it and use it for use cases like this all the time. It allows me to get very detailed searches that I can then export in CSV with all of the ticket details. It's very handy when I'm looking for details that aren't available in Explore. I hope this helps!


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Hillary Latham

Community Moderator

Melissa - you can get more data out of Explore via attributes vs metrics (you do always need at least 1 metric to show data, but pick like "tickets").  However, you cannot get comments.  Comments are not included in any Explore datasets.  If you need tickets with comment data, you could use the API.  You could maybe do an automation that emailed out more details for pending tickets that are so old and use placeholders to show ticket comments.

Chris's suggestion is also a good one - the app is free!


Thank you Chris and Hillary!

I was really hoping I get a different answer :( 

I appreciate the response :) 


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