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Live data filtering
Posted Apr 07, 2021
Having just gotten access to the live data in Explore I am looking for some filtering tips. For some reason Zendesk seems to have chosen to limit the filtering to only single choice for live data, which is causing some problems for what I want to display.
For our clients, there are multiple brands and also multiple groups. So if I want to display the total number of open tickets for one client, I have no option to do so, as I cannot select multiple brands nor multiple groups in the filter. It is just the radio button selection, no option for choosing more than one.
Since we cannot create any custom live metrics, is there any workaround for this?
Cheeny Aban
Hi Tom,
Thank you for posting a comment on our community.
As of the moment, the best workaround is our prebuilt metrics/dashboard. You can clone them to create an editable copy. Edit the cloned dashboard to replace, edit, or add new queries, add filters, and more. Learn more about editing the default dashboards in this article: Editing pre-built dashboards
To learn how to format new queries to match the rest of the dashboard, see the articles: Customizing dashboards and Customizing queries.
All the best
Tom Skjönsberg
Hi Cheeny,
There is nowhere to edit the live data queries. They can be edited for colors and datatips, and I can add alerts, but not edit the query.
Also, only the live data filters will impact what is shown in the live queries, which is the problem I wrote. The live data filter will not allow me to select multiple options, as for some reason the selections can only be made by radio buttons, not check boxes.
I am looking for a way to i.e. display active chats for the following 4 departments, but it appears that with the current setup I am not allowed to do so:
So is there a workaround to do this, or a timeline for when we will be allowed to filter on multiple options in live data?
Cheeny Aban
Hi Tom,
Apologies for my previous response. As of the moment, we can only edit those prebuilt dashboards except the new live dashboard. Since this was recently released, there are certain limitations that will be addressed in the future. For the meantime, I marked this conversation as product feedback for review, which means that your input will be aggregated as a part of our Voice of the Customer program that provides customer feedback to our product development teams.
We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the product feedback topics in the community help influence future Zendesk functionality.
Zendesk Team Illation
This same issue is causing the live data dashboards to be unusable in our customer environments that have multiple brands and departments. The fact that the Live Data filter only allows a single department to be selected and not multi-select seems very short-sighted in my opinion.
Please advise when this basic functionality will be added.
Csenge Orban
It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to select multiple groups for the live data, is there any update on this case?
Dan R.
Live dashboard are of little use without being able to select multiple groups. By way of example:
We have multiple teams living in Zendesk. CSMs, Support and Onboarding.
In Support-land, we have a tiered support model with each tier having its own Ticket Group.
My support managers want to know the live volume of tickets across all Support (levels 1, 2, and 3) at a glance.
This limitation means they need to flip through multiple selections to get the info they need and prohibits just leaving the dashboard up on a screen in the office.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 as we also have many departments that we need to see data for. There are no alternatives for this